標題: 綠屋頂雨水截流能力之機率分析
Probabilistic Evaluation of Rainfall Retention by Green Roofs
作者: 李仲耘
關鍵字: 綠屋頂;保水能力;保水率公式;降雨-逕流相關性;green roof;rainfall retention ratio;The formulas of retention ratio;correlation with rainfall and runoff
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 為了改善在經濟發展快速,房屋林立的都市綠地不足的問題,國外在幾十年前開始推廣綠屋頂,國內則是近年來正在起步,綠屋頂有多項保護環境的功能,保水能力便是其中之一項重要功能。缺乏植栽保護的屋頂,在一場又一場的降雨事件中,雨水無法被截取,全部變成逕流,積水無法有效排出,造成房屋結構物的侵蝕、損毀,使用年限因此縮減。 為了因應這項工程上比較迫切的解決的問題,綠屋頂使用率逐漸提升,近年來國內學者開始進行保水率公式的研究,希望能開發出適合國內氣候環境的綠屋頂保水率公式,以供國人進行綠屋頂設計上的參考。 本研究延續Zhang and Guo(2013)以機率進行綠屋頂保水能力的分析,將其推導至二階,考量了降雨以及綠屋頂逕流的相關性,希望能建立更為完善、精確的保水率公式。
In order to improve the rapid economic development, housing shortage of urban green space problems, dozens of years ago, Foreign researchers started to promote green roof, the domestic is in recent years is starting, green roof has a number of environmental protection function, One of the important features. Lack of planting protection of the roof, in a field of rain events, the rainfall can not be intercepted, all into runoff, water can not be effectively discharged, resulting in housing structure erosion, damage, the use of years reduced. In order to deal with the more urgent problems in this project, the green roof utilization rate has been gradually improved. In recent years, domestic scholars have begun to study the rainfall retention formula, hoping to develop a green roof formula suitable for the domestic climate environment For green roof design. This study continues Zhang and Guo (2013) to analyze the ability of reduction rainfall by green roof, which is derived to the second order, considering the correlation between rainfall and runoff, hoping to establish a more perfect and accurate rainfall retention formula.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451251