标题: 紫外线固化的二乙炔标记高分子自组装于仿生之应用
Self-Assembly of UV-curable Diacetylene-Labeled Polymers for Bio-Mimicking Application
作者: 张竣凯
Chang, Chun-Kai
Li, Ming-Chia
关键字: 自组装;同相高分子;掌性效应;二乙炔;光交联;圆二色性;螺旋;聚乳酸;聚苯乙烯;呼吸法;Chirality;Homopolymer;Diacetylene;Photo-crosslinking;Circular Dichroism;Self-Assembly;Helix;Polylactide;Polystyrene;Breath Figure
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 自然界中,有很多种螺旋的结构,如:去氧核醣核酸、螺旋藻、玫瑰、星云等等。材料科学家藉由掌性传递效应,将掌性基团透过分子设计与化学合成导入开发出一系列分子积木,再经由分子积木间的二次作用力调控自组装形成不同掌性的螺旋结构。
Helix structures can be found in nature, from the space, organism to nucleus in cells (e.g., DNA, spirulina, rose, nebula). By taking advantage of chirality transfer, homochiral polymers can form mimic helical structures by introducing chiral groups into synthetic polymers via self-assembly. Additionally, self-assembled helical structures in different length scales can be produced through secondary interactions (i.e., non-covalent bonding forces).
In this study, diacetylene, which is a photo-crosslinkable upon UV irradiation and an achiral chromophore, was introduced to polymers as a chain end of polystyrene (PS) or polylactides (i.e., diacetylene-labeled poly(L-lactide) (PLLA), diacetylene-labeled poly(D-lactide) (PDLA), diacetylene-labeled poly(D,L-lactide) (PLA), and diacetylene-labeled polystyrene (PS) respectively).
Diacetylene-labeled polystyrene can form the monolayer and hexagonally ordered arrays of air hole at the film by breath figure method. Interestingly, structural colors like the wing of butterfly and beetle can be clearly observed due to the light reflection and refraction from the well-ordered structures.
Because of three types of polylactide (L-, D-, D,L-), we use diacetylene-labeled polylactide as molecular blocks. Using circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) found that diacetylene-labeled polylactide can self-assemble to different chirality of helical structures by controlling secondary interactions between molecular blocks, suggesting that achiral diacetylene moieties with preferential helical orientation in space to can be successfully induced.

Keywords: Chirality, Homopolymer, Diacetylene, Photo-crosslinking, Circular Dichroism, Self-Assembly, Helix, Polylactide, Polystyrene, Breath Figure.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070457031