标题: 應用於全雙工無線多使用者多天線網路搭配序列式通道估計的最佳線性預編碼矩陣設計
Optimal Linear Precoding for Full-Duplex Wireless MU-MIMO Networks with Sequential Training
作者: 蕭智鴻
Xiao, Zh-Hong
Gau, Rung-Hung
关键字: 全雙工;預編碼矩陣;無線多天線網路;最佳化;full-duplex;precoding matrices;wireless MIMO networks;optimization
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 在本篇論文當中, 我們提出應用在全雙工無線多使用者多天線網路的最佳預編碼矩陣設計的最佳化演算法。我們探討連續通道估計與資料傳輸兩個面向,在連續通道估計面向中,基地台可以利用全雙工的優點,同時間同頻段下,一邊估計通道,一邊傳送資料,在資料傳輸面向中,基地台採用自我干擾消除的數位電路設計,可以有效的降低自我干擾,我們利用這個特性和通到的資訊,用解最佳化問題的方式得到最佳預編碼矩陣。我們用模擬結果證明在自我干擾被降低到一定的程度之下,跟傳統方法相比,我們提出的方法可以大幅度的增加頻譜效率。
In this thesis, we propose an optimization framework for designing optimal precoding matrices in full-duplex wireless multiuser multi-input-multi-output (MU-MIMO) networks. We study both the sequential training phase and the data transmission phase. In the sequential training
phase, to take advantage of the full-duplex capability, the base station (BS) concurrently performs channel estimation and data transmission. In the data transmission phase, to benefit from recent progresses in all-digital self-interference cancellation, we formulate an optimization problem to obtain optimal precoding matrices based on channel state information. Simulation
results show that the proposed approach could significantly improve the performance of wireless
MU-MIMO networks, especially when the residual self-interference is small.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460208