標題: 雙元能力與永續競爭企業資源配置與企業內部績效探討
Ambidexterity on sustainable competitive Advantage : Internal Resource Allocation and Firm Performance
作者: 林雯慧
Lin, Wen-Hui Rachel
關鍵字: 雙元組織;開發;探索;企業資源內部配置;Ambidexterity;Exploration;Exploitation;Internal Resource Allocation
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 快速移動的消費品產業(FMCG) ,簡稱快銷品。隨著全球產業邁向快速轉型與變革的後全球化時期,競爭環境更趨複雜與弔詭。多數的跨國型企業所採行的是一種動態( Dynamic) 的決策思維,以更宏觀的角度去檢視所處產業的構型(configuration),去發展自身的持久性競爭優勢。 反觀多數台灣傳統的快銷品企業面臨這樣轉型與變化,因為沒有意識到時間序列與其他動態概念,譬如市場的變化、通路的變化、分銷的制度、電子行動裝置啟動條件等等的變數對企業營運的影響,往往因為固守僵化的營運政策而喪失競爭優勢甚至產生經營困難。 本研究即以跨國FMCG企業在台灣,特定期間(五年)來在台灣內部如何在總部的政策主導之下,同時因應台灣通路市場成熟的競爭環境之下做出發展,如何做企業內部資源配、修正與調整錯誤,達成除了達成總部所賦予的目標之外,同時擁有持續性的競爭優優勢以及有著高於總公司所規定利潤。
Fast-moving consumer goods industry (FMCG) along with the competitive environment is more complex and paradoxical by rapidly industry changed, transformation and globalization. In order to maintaining their own lasting competitive advantage, most multinational companies or enterprises adopt dynamic decision-making method by more macroscopic perspective & exam both internal and external industry configuration. This study is closed to check the relevant between internal performance and financial performance of multinational enterprises in the past five years, figure out how/why Companies set their business strategy by exploring the internal resources through the dual-organization theory. The results pointed out that the dualistic organization is significant to the internal resource allocation and firm performance. Therefore, this study suggests that the manager should allocate the resources appropriately based on company strategies, hot-spot annual activities, its development and exploration in order to achieve sustainability firm growth and performance. At last not last, this paper discusses its implications and future research recommendations
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463702
Appears in Collections:Thesis