標題: 立體視覺於垂直式探針卡的組裝應用
Application of Stereo Vision to Vertical Probe Card Assembly
作者: 許志豪
Liu Tzong-Shi
關鍵字: 垂直式探針卡;植針;立體視覺系統;雙眼視覺;vertical probe card;replace needle;stereo vision system;Binocular Vision
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本研究主要是將立體影像視覺的技術運用在探針卡的植針作業上。過程會使用兩台攝像機模擬人的左右眼,其一是預測兩張圖片中孔的編號,使植針作業在初始校正有參考依據;其二是透過同時取得的兩張圖片計算出的相對距離,並傳送給精密的XYZ平台進行位置補償,使得針可植入孔中。完成這兩項測試,對於探針卡的組裝由人工轉向自動化作業的關鍵有所突破,也能減少人力需求並達到高效能產出的目的。測試中使用ψ40μm探針,透過立體視覺是可以計算探針與微孔的距離後,可精準的植入ψ60μm的微孔中,所以已經驗証可使用在餘隙20μm的探針卡植針上。
This study aims to apply a stereo vision method to automatically probe setting of probe cards. By imitating human’s eyes, acquiring two images from two cameras can provide useful information on probe setting. There are two goals to be achieved. One is mapping holes from two images and arranging the serial number of each hole to provide initial references of probe setting. The other is to calculate relative distances between the probe and hole, and the XYZ table will move automatically according to relative distances to set the probe into the hole. Based on results of this study, probe setting can be done by automated process instead of labor process. In addition, this method can reduce labor requirement and highly increase probe head throughput. In this research, ψ40μm probes were used. By using stereo vision algo-rithm, the distance between probe and the hole could be calculated. Further-more, probe can be set into ψ60μm hole accurately by referencing the cal-culated distance. Thus, the feasibility of applying a stereo vision system to probe setting, which the clearance is ψ20μm, was verified.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070061118