Title: 利用熱拉伸技術製備 異向性高分子粒子及其形貌探討
Fabrication of Anisotropic Polymer Particles by a Thermal Stretching Technique
Authors: 羅祐青
Lo, Yu-Ching
Chen, Jiun-Tai
Keywords: 異向性;熱退火;微球;聚苯乙烯;拉伸;anisotropic;annealing;microspheres;polystyrene;stretching
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在過去與粒子科學(Particle science)相關的研究中,等向性(Isotropic)高分子微球因為製備簡易,早已有許多深入的研究,然而因為等向性微球的表面積/體積比較低加上高對稱性的形貌,使其應用受到限制。為了拓展高分子粒子的應用廣度,異向性高分子粒子的研究必定是不可或缺的。本論文的主軸即是利用熱拉伸法,發展出多個成本低、簡便、快速的異向性高分子粒子製備技術。
To broaden the applications of polymer particles, it is desired to increase its anisotropy. This thesis mainly focuses on developing novel methods, which are based on a thermal stretching technique, to fabricate anisotropic polymer particles. This thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, we improve the old thermal stretching method to fabricate anisotropic polystyrene particles by stretching poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) films embedded with polystyrene microspheres. In the second part, we develop a simple approach to manipulate the shapes of anisotropic particles. By adding tetrahydrofuran into the anisotropic polystyrene particle suspensions, the viscosities of the polystyrene particles are decreased. The anisotropic polystyrene particles gradually transform into polystyrene spheres, which possess lower surface and interfacial energies. In the third part, we develop a new method to fabricate different kinds of anisotropic particles simultaneously. By thermal annealing-induced PVA film contraction, the polystyrene spheres are stretched to anisotropic particles. Polystyrene oblate spheroids and polystyrene prolate spheroids with aspect ratios of 1.5 and 1.2 can be observed on the PVA films. This thesis improves the traditional thermal stretching technique, increases its efficiency to fabricate multiple anisotropic particles simultaneously, and provides a novel method to control particle shapes.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452527
Appears in Collections:Thesis