標題: 利用光學位置偵測器來量測在電場下鹽水濃度的變化
Measuring the concentration of saline water under the electrical field by optical position sensitive detection
作者: 林義栩
Lin, I-Hsu
Chan, Ming-Che
關鍵字: 電場;鹽水;脫鹽;electric field;saline water;desalination
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在本研究中,我們提出利用一種新穎非侵入式的光學方法,來測量鹽水溶液濃度的變化。我們將電極放在鹽水兩側,在不同施加電場下,鹽水中的 Na 離子與 Cl 離子因電場而產生不同程度的分離。根據我們的實驗,再進一步分析不用電解與消耗薄膜的方式來進行海水(鹽水)淡化的可行性。 由實驗結果中得知,在相同電場下,所吸引的離子莫耳數是固定的,如果要增加脫鹽率,未來可行的方法為增加電壓或降低電極板的距離,使得電場增強。
In this study, we propose to use a novel way of the non-invasive optical method to measuring the concentration of saline water. We put the electrodes on both sides of the saline water, and the Na ion and Cl ion of the saline water will bring in separation of different degrees due to the electric field in different application of electric field. According to our experiments, we can further the analysis for the feasibility of desalination of seawater (brine) without electrolysis and consumption of thin films. It is known from the experimental results that the count of ions is fixed to be attracted in the same electric field. If we want to increase the desalination rate, the feasible method is to increase the voltage or reduce the distance of the electrode plate.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070058309