Title: 三維曲面在臉部形變上的應用
Applications of Facial Deformations on Three-Dimensional Surfaces
Authors: 洪柏瑞
Hong, Bo-Ruei
Lin, Wen-Wei
Keywords: 保角映射;最近點跌代;Laplacian 網格編輯;高度形變度量映射;Conformal Mapping;Iterative Closest Point;Laplacian Mesh Editing;Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在電影工業及電腦視覺裡, 如何有效率且快速的利用自動化生成模特兒或動畫, 是一直不斷被探討的議題。 而對於在處理動畫最關注的往往是人臉的形變。 所以在此論文中,我們主要探討人臉形變的應用。 此應用又分為兩大主題,其中一個是探討人臉形變的過程,另一個是針對人臉驅動。 在第一個主題中,我們採取的方法是高度形變度量映射,來生成形變網格,並利用最近點跌代法加以接合回頭上。 在第二個主題中, 所謂的人臉驅動意指的是以主導人來驅動他人的臉, 使其作出與主導人一樣的表情。 這部分,我們利用 Laplacian 網格編輯方法來做人臉驅動, 此方法相較於其他方法會特別考慮到曲面的曲率。而對於這兩主題最後的結果, 皆達到視覺上的自然形變的效果。
In the film industry and the computer vision, how to automatically generate the model or animation quickly and efficiently is a popular issue. In an animation process, people most concern the facial deformation. In this thesis, we mainly explore the applications of facial deformation and demonstrate several applications. The applications are roughly divided into two categories. One is the process of facial deformation and another is the face driving. In the first category, we used the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) method to create the deformation of mesh. Then the iterative closest point (ICP) method is applied to merge the face with the body. In the second category, the so-called facial driving means controlling one’s facial expressions using the facial motion of a leader. In this part, we use the Laplacian mesh editing method to achieve the face driving. Compared to other methods, this method especially considers the curvature of the face. For these two topics, experimental results indicate the proposed methods achieve a nice visual effect such that the deformation of faces looks natural.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452307
Appears in Collections:Thesis