Title: 人類臉部微生物菌相與皮膚保濕度和皮脂率及水份散失的關係
The skin microbiota and their association with hydration, sebum, and transepidermal water loss levels in human facial skin
Authors: 陳新瑤
Chen, Sin-Yao
Huang, Hsien-Da
Keywords: 皮膚菌相;水分散失率;保濕度;皮脂率;Skin microbiota;TEWL;Hydration;Sebum;Cutaneous
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 皮膚是與外界的第一道屏障,具有保護、調節、感受及代謝的功能,而膚質的特性能反映出角質層的健康,且影響影響微生物分布與種類,並存在著互相調節的關係。過去研究也發現皮膚表面的共生細菌、真菌、病毒皆與疾病進展有關。肌膚的保水能力下降會容易導致過敏,如異位性皮膚炎的狀況為表皮水分散失增加所造成以及與特定菌影響相關。而過去的研究顯示皮膚不同性質存在著不同的微生物比例。本篇以菌相研究針對12位無皮膚疾病之台灣人,年齡介於23歲至43歲間,探討臉部兩個區域膚質(額頭與臉頰)與皮膚菌相之間的關係,並檢測三種膚質數據,即皮膚含水量、皮脂率和水份散失率,評估膚質與皮膚菌相和腸道菌相的相關性。研究結果發現額頭的保濕度與臉頰TEWL高低和微生物菌相組成有關。此外,除了臉頰保濕度和額頭皮脂率與其genus含量相關聯性不大外,共28個菌屬分別和額頭與臉頰的皮膚特性具顯著相關性。其中,臉頰的皮脂率有七個菌屬為Proteobacteria菌門,臉頰水分散失共六個菌屬和Actinobacteria與 Bacteroidetes 菌門相關。臉部的菌相比例也與其他研究比較不同國家與地理區域的差異,研究結果將有助於後續皮膚生理臨床研究,最終達到利用菌相來改善皮膚疾病和維持臉部肌膚的健康。
The skin serves as a physical and immunological barrier protecting the human body from invasion by various foreign organisms. In human skin, there are interactions between endogenous innate and adaptive immunity functions and the exogenous environment. Loss of skin hydration leads to skin allergies, such as atopic dermatitis. Patients with atopic dermatitis have symptoms including increases in transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and defects in the barrier function of the stratum corneum, which is also found in other skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Previous studies show that skin microbiomes are highly correlated with the disease progression of skin disorders and with skin health. In this study, we detected facial and cheek bacteria communities and three skin biophysical parameters: hydration, sebum, and TEWL, from 12 healthy Taiwan volunteers, aged 23 to 43 years old. Our purpose was to evaluate the association between the skin microbiota and skin characteristics. The results showed that levels of hydration on the forehead and TEWL on the cheek were associated with the composition of the microbiota. Except for the hydration level on the cheek and sebum levels on the forehead, most of the skin’s biophysical parameters were associated with the genus content. A total of 26 genera were significantly correlated with skin characteristics on the forehead and cheek. Sebum levels on the cheek were correlated with seven genera of Proteobacteria. A total of six genera on the cheek belonging to Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes phyla were correlated with TEWL level. We believe these findings will contribute to subsequent clinical research, and provide potential clinical applications using microbiota to treat skin diseases and maintain facial skin health.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070457218
Appears in Collections:Thesis