標題: 溶劑蒸氣退火效應對於高分子薄膜受限於陽極氧化鋁模板奈米孔洞內不穩定現象之影響
Effect of Solvent Annealing on the Rayleigh-Instability-Type Transformation in Polymer Thin Films Coated in the Nanopores of Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates
作者: 房志軒
Fang, Zhi-Xuan
Chen, Jiun-Tai
關鍵字: 退火;陽極氧化鋁;雷利不穩定性;溶劑蒸氣誘導潤濕法;模板法;annealing;anodic aluminum oxide;Rayleigh instability;solvent-vapor-induced-wetting method;template method
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在過去,高分子的形貌控制已經進行了相當多的研究,調控高分子形貌可以由多個層面來調節,例如:尺寸大小、等向性和異向性、以及形貌變化的過程等。在尺寸方面,微米、奈米材料相比塊材有著迥異的物理化學性質;等向性和異向性部分,兩者有不同的優勢,前者利於製造,後者則是擁有自組裝和抗咖啡漬效應等優點;在形貌變化的研究當中,我們不但能藉由表面積的變化研究表面能相關問題,更能控制形貌變化的階段,並且運用到各種領域。 本論文主要利用聚苯乙烯 (Polystyrene, PS) 高分子薄膜受限於陽極氧化鋁 (Anodic Aluminum Oxide, AAO) 模板的奈米孔洞內,並以加熱退火處理使其產生形貌轉變,藉以研究不同潤濕方法所形成之奈米結構的差異。根據雷利不穩定 (Rayleigh Instability) 效應以及對加熱退火條件的控制,受限的聚苯乙烯高分子薄膜將會轉變成波動狀結構 (Undulated Structure)、雷利不穩定結構 (Rayleigh-Instability-Induced Structure) 或是奈米短柱結構。此外也將討論溶劑蒸氣退火效應 (Solvent Vapor Annealing Effect) 對高分子奈米結構造成的影響,並以實驗結果佐證兩種潤濕方法的差異。
In recent years, morphology control of the polymer materials has been widely studied. The tuning of polymer morphologies can be processed in many dimensions, such as the sizes of the polymer materials, the isotropic and anisotropic properties, and the processes of the morphology transformations. For the size differences, the micro- and the nano- particles may have distinct physical or chemical properties from the bulk materials. Rayleigh instability is a common phenomenon observed in our daily lives, and it is important for the post-treatment of materials. In this thesis, we study the Rayleigh-instability-type transformation in polymer thin films coated in the nanopores of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates. Polystyrene (PS) thin films are coated in the nanopores via a solvent-vapor-induced-wetting method. The morphology diagrams of the PS structures at different annealing temperatures and times are constructed, in which the nanorods structures can be obtained at higher temperatures and times.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452541