標題: 利用數據分析訂定IC產品之規格界限-以A公司為例
Data Analysis for Determining Specifications of IC Products- A Case Study of A Company
作者: 高源懋
關鍵字: 規格界限;製程能力指標;品質管制;積體電路;Specification Limit;Process Capability Index;Quality Control;Integrated Circuits
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 半導體產業是台灣的經濟命脈之一,2015年台灣半導體產業整體產值達22,640億元台幣,2016年整體產值增加到24,493億元台幣。積體電路(Integrated Circuits, IC)是台灣半導體產業中的主體,也是台灣高科技產業發展重點,IC製造廠要在眾多競爭業者中取得優勢,產品的品質管制絕對是重要環節,而產品之規格界限制定的好壞會直接影響到出廠產品的品質。近年來大數據(Big data)處理與分析,已經從趨勢變成每個公司必定會面臨的問題,如何在有限的時間內管理、擷取、整併、分析大數據及取得重要資訊儼然成為重要課題。因此,本研究以台灣某積體電路公司〈以下稱A公司〉為個案,整理IC產品各品質特性之大數據資料,再利用A公司期望之製程能力指標值訂定出產品各品質特性之適當規格界限,以有效提升產品品質及改善退貨過多之問題。
Semiconductor industry is one of the most important industries in Taiwan. In 2015, the gross value of semiconductor industry in Taiwan reaches 22,640 billion NT dollars, and it is increase to 24,493 billion NT dollars in 2016. The integrated Circuits (IC) is the major part of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry and is also the development focus of Taiwan’s high-tech industry. If the IC manufacturers want to gain profit in the highly-competitive market, the quality control of products is definitely essential. Consequently, determining the proper specification limits is important on controlling the quality of the products. Recently, Collecting and analyzing the big data become popular in every company. How to manage, retrieve, compile, and arrange a great amount of process data in a limited time seems to have become a critical issue. Thus, the main objective of this study is to utilize a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company as a case study to find the proper specification limits to attain the expected value of the process capability index for the IC products of the case company. The specification limits for each quality properties of an IC product are obtained by analyzing the product historical data provided by the case company can effectively screening the defective IC product and reduce the customer complains.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453307