標題: 企業穩健成長永續經營競爭策略之個案研究以 A 電子公司為例
Steady Growth of Sustainable Management for Business Competitive Strategy- A Case Study of Technology Company A
作者: 彭明秀
Sandy Peng
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 個案研究;轉投資;併購;限制型股票;股利政策;Case Studies;Investment;Mergers and Acquisitions;Restricted Stocks;Dividend Policy
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 個案教學法是由美國哈佛大學商學院發展推廣的教學方式,本個案以A電子公司作為案例來探討企業在生命週期中所遭逢到的可能情境與決策之重要性,並期許如何於未來再創事業高峰以達企業永續經營之目標。 本人在EMBA學程中曾前往美國柏克萊大學及北京大學,在實地參訪過程中親身體驗到哈佛的案例教學,師長同學們在課堂上透過腦力激盪、解決方案的討論及互動的案例教學,陳教授課堂上常提到:目前居世界領導地位的哈佛商業學院,正積極的強力推廣個案教學研究作為主流,也期盼透過個案教學讓事業上的實戰經驗傳承,作為職場上的經驗參考。
The Harvard Case-Base Teaching Method is developed and promoted by the Harvard University Business School. Technology Company A is one of case study to explore the enterprise from setup through different stages to tradeoff and face decision-making. Through the case study of Technology Company A history with experiences to reach the goal of business sustainability operation in the long run. I visited University of Berkeley and Peking University in China for the EMBA program to join the team discussion of Harvard Case-base Teaching Method. Teachers and classmates are brainstorming, diversity discussion and interactive case study in the classroom. Professor Chen, An-Pin mentions: the leader, Harvard Business School, dynamically promoting the Harvard Case-Base Teaching Method and research in the mainstream. Herewith, expecting to use both successful and failure case studies learning to find the valuable solutions.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463035