標題: 探討道德式領導、員工道德發聲、金錢偏好與員工快樂及離職意願之關聯性
The Relationships between Ethical Leadership, Ethical Voice, Love of Money and Employee Happiness and Turnover Intention
作者: 楊孝康
Yang, Conna
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 道德式領導;員工道德發聲;金錢偏好程度;員工快樂程度;離職意圖;Ethical Leadership;Employee Ethical Voice;Employee Well-Being;Love of Money;Turnover Intention
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究目的在於檢驗道德式領導(ethical leadership)與離職意圖(turnover intention)在一個組織內的關係。此外也探討道德式領導及離職離職意圖之間關係所存在的中介因子,如員工道德發聲 (employee ethical voice)、金錢偏好程度(love of money)及員工快樂程度 (employee happiness)。本研究使用結構方程模式 (SEM),且採用問卷法,透過線上問卷,回收了279份有效問卷進行分析。研究結果指出,一個領導者的道德風範的確能夠鼓勵員工在職場上為道德而發聲,同時,這樣的領導者所帶領的員工也會有較低的離職意圖。本研究同時也提出管理意涵,以及未來研究方向供管理人及學者參考。
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship of ethical leadership and turnover intention within organizations. In addition, the mediating variables between ethical leadership and turnover intention are also examined. These mediating variables include employee ethical voice, love of money and employee happiness. Our study used online questionnaires to collect data, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied for data analysis. A total of 279 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The results of this study show that ethical leadership can indeed encourage employees’ ethical voicing intention. Moreover, subordinates who work alongside ethical leaders are likely to have a low turnover intention. Practical implications and suggestions for future research are also included at the end of this study.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079937806