Title: 含水層熱能儲存系統之改良解析模式:考慮受壓含水層中流體相與固體相之間的熱交換與含水層厚度的影響
An improved model for aquifer thermal energy storage system: considering the thermal exchange between fluid and solid phase in confined aquifer and the aquifer thickness effect
Authors: 胡庭芳
Hu, Ting-Fang
Yeh, Hund-Der
Keywords: 含水層熱能儲存系統;熱傳導;半解析解;Laplace轉換;Weber轉換;aquifer thermal energy storage;heat transfer;semi-analytical;Laplace transform;Weber transform
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 含水層熱能儲存系統(aquifer thermal energy storage, ATES)為一項熱能能源再利用的技術。此系統藉由注水井,將熱水灌注至含水層或從含水層中抽取出,此技術可應用於建築物的加熱或冷卻系統的操作。現有的解析模擬ATES系統,含水層中的水與土壤間之熱傳導,皆假設是瞬間交換完成。就此問題,本研究發展了一個三維的數學模式,描述在此系統中注入熱水後的溫度分佈,並假設在水層內的流體相與固體相間有熱交換現象。此模式由一個含水層並相鄰具不同熱性質的岩層所組成,透過Laplace轉換與Weber轉換方法,以及兩項方法的逆轉公式,求得本模式的半解析解與當岩石為低導熱係數時的解析解。敏感度分析的結果,顯示注入率Q及含水層厚度b為此模式中最敏感的參數。此外,本模式與另一個假設水層厚度無限小之準三維的模式進行比較,結果顯示準三維模式於含水層厚度較薄的ATES系統中會有顯著的預測誤差。本研究可用於探討系統中各參數對時空溫度分佈的影響,並且可以用來預測注入熱水在ATES系統所產生的熱前分佈。
An aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system used for renewable and sustainable energy via storing heat and thermal energy in aquifers is a new technology. Such a system is operated by injecting/extracting the heat water into/from the aquifer and applied to heating and cooling the buildings. The exiting analytical models for ATES were developed based on quasi 3-D model and assumed that the heat transfer between the water and soil in the aquifer is instantaneous. We therefore propose a model to describe the temperature distribution due to heated water injection in the ATES system with considering the thermal exchange between fluid phase and solid phase. The model is composed of an aquifer which is bounded by two rocks on the top and at the bottom with different thermal properties. The solution of the model is derived by the methods of Laplace transform and Weber transform. An analytical solution is also derived for small conductivity value of the rocks. The results of sensitivity analysis indicate that the parameters of injection rate and thickness are the most sensitive parameters in the model. The model is compared with quasi 3-D model which is based on the assumption of thin aquifer thickness. The present solution can be used to investigate the influence of the parameters on the spatiotemporal temperature distribution and predict the thermal front distribution in the ATES system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451704
Appears in Collections:Thesis