Title: 多孔性陽極氧化鋁模板之製備及功能性高分子奈米材料於受限條件下之物性分析
Fabrication of Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates and Property Analysis of Confined Functional Polymer Nanomaterials
Authors: 朱建威
Chu, Chien-Wei
Chen, Jiun-Tai
Keywords: 陽極氧化鋁;共軛高分子;奈米材料;高分子刷;響應性;anodic aluminum oxide;conjugated polymer;nanomaterial;polymer brush;responsive
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來,高分子奈米材料的研究因為其具有有別於塊材的特殊性質而受到了很多地關注。為了能夠更深入地了解受限的功能性高分子材料的性質,我們需要一套簡單卻有系統的方法去製備高分子奈米材料並了解其在受限效應下的性質變化。 在本論文中,我們首先利用二次陽極氧化法建立了我們實驗室自己製備陽極氧化鋁(Anodic aluminum oxide, AAO)模板的系統(第三章)。接著,利用相似的方法製備了圓柱型的AAO模板,並用之在曲面上製備具高度梯度的高分子奈米柱陣列(第四章)。此外,我們也將發光高分子(Light-emitting polymer)導入市售與自製的AAO模板孔洞中製備出發光高分子奈米管,並利用儀器分析受限條件對其光學性質與高分子鏈排列的影響(第五章)。最後,我們利用表面起始原子轉移自由基聚合(Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization, SI-ATRP)於AAO模板孔洞中接枝響應性高分子刷(Responsive polymer brush),將AAO模板表面進行修飾,並利用光譜與熱分析儀研究高分子鏈在孔洞中生長的受限效應(第六章)。
Polymer nanomaterials recently have attracted great interest because of their unique properties compare to the bulk materials. To have a deeper understanding of the properties of confined functional polymer nanomaterials, a simple route to fabricate polymer nanostructures is desired. In this work, we build up a well-controlled system in our laboratory to fabricate AAO templates using the second anodization method (Chapter 3). Subsequently, cylindrical anodic aluminum oxide (c-AAO) templates can be synthesized using similar anodizing process on the Al wires and the polymer nanorod arrays on the curved surfaces can be obtained by infiltrating polymers into the nanopores of the c-AAO templates (Chapter 4). Furthermore, light-emitting polymer nanotubes are also fabricated by infiltrating the light-emitting polymer into the nanopores of the AAO templates. The optical properties and polymer chain packings of confined polymer nanotubes are also characterized (Chapter 5). Finally, stimuli-responsive polymer brushes are grafted from the surfaces of the AAO templates by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP). The confinement effect on polymer chain growth in the nanopores of AAO membranes is investigated (Chapter 6).
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070282508
Appears in Collections:Thesis