標題: 三五族磊晶片低溫直接接合於矽基基板之條件分析
The analysis of low temperature direct bonding on III-V epitaxial wafer on Si based substrate
作者: 王忻愷
Wang, Sin-Kai
Lin, Chien-Chung
Kuo, Hao-Chung
關鍵字: 晶圓接合;矽光子學;氧電漿輔助晶片接合;磷化銦;推力測試;超音波掃瞄;光致發光;wafer bonding;Silicon photonics;Oxygen plasma assisted wafer bonding;Indium phosphide;Die shear test;Scanning Acoustic Tomography;Photoluminescence
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在我們的實驗中,研究了晶圓的直接接合技術,並嘗試了許多條件,包含不同溫度,施加壓力均勻度等,以找到一個適合的條件,讓接合強度達到後續製程的需求。接合後,以鹽酸溶液將磷化銦基板蝕刻,可以觀察到磊晶層留在矽基板上,並進一步使用光致發光頻譜驗證。   在接合品質的方面,有推力測試將品質量化,也使用了非破壞性檢測的超音波掃描,並且能和掃描式電子顯微鏡對照   除了電漿輔助直接接合,我們也嘗試了熱壓接合,以金屬作為媒介並施加壓力和熱後使兩晶圓接合,其接合強度比直接接合高,但要我們的結構是要將光從三五族半導體傳遞到矽波導中,所以在接合用的金屬中,仍需做出容易傳導的結構,以利光的傳輸。
In this thesis, we studied and demonstrated direct bonding technology. The different bonding conditions were recorded including the temperature, the Hydroxyl group and the uniformity of the applying force in order to find the best conditions for the following processes. After bonding, the HCl solution was used to etch the InP substrate. We could observe the epitaxial layer remained on the silicon substrate. Furthermore, we used photoluminescence to verify the epitaxial layer.   When it comes to the quality of bonding, we used the die shear test to quantify the bonding quality. We also used a nondestructive testing, SAT, to verify the quality, and could be compared with the images of SEM. In addition to plasma-assisted wafer bonding, we also studied and demonstrated thermos-compression bonding, applying force and heat are applied simultaneously when two metals are brought into contact. However, our structure is used to transmit the light to the silicon-based structure. We still try to make the structure in the metal in order to transmit the light.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070358009