Title: 公共危險物品存貨管理對策-以E化學公司產品為例
Inventory Management Strategy for Public Hazardous Materials A Case Study of a Product of E Chemical Company
Authors: 林志信
Lin, Jr-Shin
Keywords: 公共危險物品;庫存管理;經濟訂購批量;數量折扣;外部倉庫;Public Hazardous Materials;Inventory Management;EOQ;Quantity Discount;Rented Warehouse
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 2016年5月2日公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體設置標準暨安全管理辦法修正後,擴大公共危險物品的範圍,新增了閃火點200度至250度的易燃液體。但個案E化學公司受限於現有公共危險物品倉庫容量,為遵守此新法規定,個案E公司無法將此新增之公共危險物品儲存在其倉庫內,而以現有公司的運作而言,新建或擴建公共危險物品倉庫則是緩不濟急。
Based on the Public Hazardous Substances and Flammable Pressurized Gases Establishment Standards and Safety Control Regulations were jointly amended on May 2nd, 2016 by the Ministry of Interior (MOI). In this amendment, the range of the Public Hazardous Substances has been expanded to include a new item, the combustible liquid, whose flash point is between 200 degree and 250 degree. However, the capacity of the public hazardous warehouse of the case company, E Chemical Company, is limited. In order to comply with this new regulation, E company cannot hold the new combustible liquid chemicals in its own warehouse. Building a new warehouse or expanding the existing warehouse is not in time from the aspect of the current operation. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate whether or not the case company should rent the public warehouse as well as the decision over the quantity and the resulting benefit. By applying the modified Economic Order Quantity Model (EOQ Model) with Quantity Discounts and External Warehouses, this thesis presents a simple and quick evaluation method for the case company regarding the decision if the needed space at a public warehouse should use to store the newly regulated type of combustible liquid chemicals.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363624
Appears in Collections:Thesis