Title: 速度差對高速公路效率及安全之影響
The Impacts of Speed Variations on Freeway Efficiency and Safety
Authors: 張哲軒
Chang, Che-Hsuan
Keywords: 速度差;公路效率與安全;截取迴歸模型;卜松迴歸模型;負二項迴歸模型;Speed Variation;Road's Efficiency and Safety;Censored Regression Model;Poisson Regression Model;Negative Binomial Regression Model
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究以計量模型探討速度差對高速公路效率及安全之影響,其中本研究以五種指標來定義速度差,分別是各時間及空間單位內速度分佈的標準差、變異係數和三種不同的百分位間之差距。以最小平方法以及截取迴歸模型來衡量這些速度差指標對流量之影響,並以負二項迴歸模型和卜松迴歸模型來衡量速度差與事故數之間的關係。
In this study, we discuss the impacts of speed variation on efficiency and safety of freeway, and this paper uses five indexes to define the speed variation, which is the standard deviation, the coefficient of variation and the gap between three percentage sets of the speed distribution in each time and space unit. The impacts of these speed variance indexes on the flow rate is measured by the OLS and the censored regression model; the relationship between the speed variance and safety is measured by negative binomial regression model and poisson regression model. Using the data from the ETC system to analyze, each segment between two gates is the spatial unit of this study. Considering different types of factors (including road geometry, weather, time, etc.) to regress and analysis, hopefully, it can improve the doubts of researches in the past, including data can only be collected by vehicle detector which can only provide spot speed and controlling insufficient variables that might cause the omitted variable bias.
In terms of efficiency, this study takes hours as time units. The 90th, the 95th, and the 99th percentile of the flow in each segment were defined as the upper limit while doing censored regression. It was found that in the efficiency model, the "standard deviation of the speed distribution" as the speed variation indicators have the best interpretation. An increase of 1% in the "standard deviation of the speed distribution" would result in a reduction of flow about 45 vehicles / hour. The increase of "average speed", "lane number" and "sunshine hours" will also result in the ascension of traffic flow. In the case of considering other factors, the traffic value will increase by about 666 vehicles per hour when the number of lanes increases by 1 lane; the increase in traffic flow per hours is about 477 vehicles per hour when “sunshine hours” is increased by 1 hour. "Large vehicle percentage" and "heavy rain" will have a negative impact on traffic. If other factors are constant, if the proportion of large vehicle increases by 1%, the flow will be reduced by about 30 to 60% (depending on the type of large vehicle). If rainfall hours of heavy rain increase by about 1%, will reduce the flow of about 732%.
In the case of safety, we found that the negative binomial regression model had better fitting ability with the indexes of speed variation (except coefficient of variation). In the regression results, the "speed variation indicator", "million vehicle-kilometers" and "precipitation proportion" are positively related to the number of accidents. When "the gap between the 99th percentile and the first percentile of speed distribution" increased by about 1%, increasing the number of accidents by about 0.036%. If the "heavy vehicle ratio" increased by 1%, the number of accidents increased by 1.99%, and if the proportion of rainfall within the month increeased 1%, it may cause 0.55% increase in the number of accidents.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453603
Appears in Collections:Thesis