標題: 航空公司貨運營業人員議價考量因素之研究
A Study on the Cargo Space Pricing Decision of Airlines
作者: 胡成強
Hu, Chen-Chiang
Huang, Kuan-Cheng
Lu, Ming-Ying
關鍵字: 航空貨運;營收管理;層級分析法;Air Cargo;Revenue Management;Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 由於航空貨運市場競爭日益激烈,而航空貨運運價的決策,亦攸關航空公司的營運績效。本研究以航空公司為研究對象,並針對航空公司的專家進行問卷調查,以瞭解影響航空貨運運價議價能力的考量因素。 本研究藉由回顧國內外之相關文獻,進而歸納出航空貨運運價議價能力評估之四大構面與十二項準則,並依其層級架構設計專家問卷,採用層級分析法(AHP)對相關專家進行貨運運價議價能力評估準則之偏好與重要性調查,最後求出其權重分佈與重要性排序。 研究結果顯示航空貨運運價議價能力評估構面之重要度排序以需求面為最重要,而運價議價能力評估準則之權重,最高前六名分別為時效需求、增加營收、競爭者報價、貨代類型、貨型種類 、競爭者班表,超過全部影響因素權重總值之半數,可視為影響航空貨運運價議價能力之關鍵因素。
The market of air cargo is coming into a diversified competitive era. Therefore, the air cargo managers’ decision-making of pricing will have a great influence on the operational performance of airline. This study takes airlines as the object of study, while surveys were conducted by air cargo experts so as to understand the factors affecting the ability of air cargo price negotiation. Based on the literature review, we develop four dimensions and twelve evaluation criteria that influence the ability of air cargo price negotiation. Questionnaire is designed and experts are surveyed. Then, the AHP method is applied to get the rank of importance of dimensions and the weight in evaluation criteria. The result suggests that demand play an important role in dimension and six evaluation criteria are essential to the ability of air cargo price negotiation: “Time demand”, “Revenue increasing”, “Competitor’s price”, “Freight forwarder type”, “Cargo type” and “Competitor’s schedule”.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463621