Title: 磁性液滴在旋轉磁場下之動力學研究
Dynamic of Ferrofluid Drops in a Rotational Magnetic Field
Authors: 盧俊溢
Keywords: 磁性液滴;旋轉磁場;磁場頻率;自旋;雙旋;鋼體;融合;徑向速度;角速度;ferrodrops;rotating field;field frequency;self-spin;dual rotation;rigid rotation;radial velocity;angular velocity
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 此研究有兩部分,一為旋轉磁場之頻率變化與液滴初始大小對液滴拉伸長度的影響,第二部分為研究在旋轉磁場下,兩液滴質心初始距離與兩液滴之徑向速度對旋轉型態之影響。 實驗架構為磁性液滴置於不可互溶的非磁性溶液中,使用平面旋轉磁場使得液滴產生拉伸變化。外觀由初始尚未開啟磁場所保持的圓形,變為開啟之後的橢圓形。首先,在單顆磁性液滴的研究中,使用多種液滴初始直徑以及多種不同的旋轉磁場頻率,從實驗數據中分析液滴拉伸長度在不同液滴初始直徑與不同旋轉磁場頻率下的關係。本文實驗中磁場與液滴間存在一相位差,而液滴拉伸長度與此相位差與外加磁場頻率大小相關。第二,雙顆磁性液滴串的研究則為不同的初始直徑與多種不同的初始距離。磁性液滴串之運動型態包含:自旋、雙旋、鋼體以及融合,由液滴質心初始距離可以分辨出自旋;雙旋與鋼體可以以逕向速度與角速度來判別,融合則是與鋼體相似,經過多個鋼體運旋轉之後融合為一。
There are two-part in my study. First, the stretched length of a droplet decrease when we increase the frequency of the extend field. Because there is a lag theta between the extend field and the direction of the drop. This lag theta can divide into parallel and vertical part of the drop. When we increase the frequency, the lag theta also increase. The vertical part becomes smaller so it leads to the stretched length shorter. In the second case of two droplets, different initial diameters and initial drops distances showed that there are three different situation: self-spin, dual rotation, rigid rotation. Self-spin is the longest initial drops distance. Rigid rotation is bigger radial velocity than dual rotation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451053
Appears in Collections:Thesis