Title: 共同創造新產品開發在社會企業
Co-creation in New Product development for Social enterprises
Authors: 莊婕妤
Christina Gleitze Hoffmann
Lim, Sirirat Sae
Keywords: 共同創造;新產品發展;創新;社會企業;社會價值創造;Co-creation;NPD;Innovation;Social enterprise;Social value creation
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 此篇研究的目的為調查社會企業新產品發展的共同創造過程是如何發生,以提出一個觀念架構。此篇論文研究方法為藉由一個社會企業的縱貫性個案研究來觀察新產品發展的共同創造活動。而根據質性研究,研究資料透過以下方法來蒐集,分別為以自然式觀察法觀察公司及其生態系統,與公司員工及參與者直接互動,深度訪談使用者和員工,及從公司網站和資料庫得到的二手資訊作者組織並整合了與新產品發展的共同創造過程有關的過去研究,並從社會企業環境觀察出一個觀念模型。此篇研究新產品發展的共同創造過程之許多面向和因素的確存在於社會企業中;此外,此篇研究也提供新的因素至現有的面向。共同創造的教學和工具面向被提議出來進到現有的觀念架構中。此篇研究的價值在於提出了一個新穎的觀念架構,提供給社會企業在新產品發展中的共同創造過程中使用。此外,也對社會企業的合法化提出貢獻,使未來的共同創造領域有更進一步的理論發展。
The purpose of this study is to investigate how co-creation takes place through NPD in social enterprises, in order to propose a conceptual framework.This study focuses on the co-creation activities that occur within the NPD process, through a single longitudinal case study of a social enterprise. In accordance with qualitative research, data has been collected through naturalistic observations of the company and its eco-system, direct interaction with employees and participants, in-depth interviews with users and employees, and secondary data sourced from the company’s website and physical database.The authors organized and integrated the body of past literature relating to co-creation in NPD and in doing so developed a conceptual model, which was investigated in the social enterprise context. The findings show that several existing dimensions and factors of co-creation in NPD occur in social enterprises, as well as contributing new factors to existing dimensions. A co-creation teaching dimension and a co-creation tool dimension have been proposed to the existing framework.This study proposes a framework for co-creation through NPD in social enterprises, which contributes to the legitimization of social entrepreneurship and enables further theoretical development in the co-creation field.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453028
Appears in Collections:Thesis