Title: 雙向非對稱多階層飛馳電容交流直流轉換器之無電流感測控制與飛馳電容電壓平衡控制
Current Sensorless Control and Flying-Capacitor Voltage Balancing Control for Bidirectional Asymmetrical Multilevel Flying-Capacitor AC/DC Converter
Authors: 陳盛益
Chen, Seng-Yi
Chen, Hung-Chi
Keywords: 雙向交流直流轉換器;飛馳電容電壓平衡控制;非對稱飛馳電容轉換器;無電流感測控制;bidirectional ac/dc converter;flying-capacitor voltage balancing control;asymmetrical multilevel flying-capacitor converter;current sensorless control
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本文是利用一個非對稱(2N+1)階層飛馳電容轉換器,實現一個具雙向功率潮流特性的AC/DC轉換器,在控制架構方面,與傳統多迴路控制架構不同,不需回授輸入電流,本文提出一個僅需回授輸入電壓與輸出電壓的無電流感測控制架構,並以該架構達成輸入電流功因修正與穩定輸出電壓兩個目的,若是輸出側有併接發電系統且發電功率大於負載功率,本控制架構亦可將超過的能量送回輸入側的市電端,同時達成功因修正的目的。此外,透過增加飛馳電容電壓平衡迴路,以加快飛馳電容電壓平衡的速度。
本文實作利用FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)硬體電路晶片實現所提之雙向非對稱(2N+1)階層飛馳電容交流直流轉換器之無電流感測控制,利用模擬及實作電路以驗證所提之無電流感測控制架構具有功因修正及穩定輸出電壓特性,同時也利用模擬驗證飛馳電容電壓平衡迴路確實具有改善飛馳電容之自然平衡表現的特性。
An asymmetrical (2N+1) level flying-capacitor converter is presented in this thesis to construct a bidirectional AC/DC converter. Compared with conventional double loop control structure, the proposed control structure only requires input voltages and output voltage to achieve power factor correction amd regulate the output voltage. If there is a generated system connected to the dc bus,and the generated power is greater than the dc load, the proposed control structure must return superfluous power to the grid.Otherwise,the flying-capacitor voltage balancing loop is including in the control structure,which can improve the speed of flying-capacitor voltage balancing.
At the end,all the algorithms are implemented in a FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array). The simulation and experimental results will show the well performances of the proposed current sensorless control structure. The simulation and experimental results could also show the well performancesof the ying-capacitor voltage balancing loop,which can improve flying-capacitor natural balancing performance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460034
Appears in Collections:Thesis