Title: 適應性銷售與顧客滿意度之關係以銷售導向及顧客導向為中介變數—以半導體相關產業為例
The Influence of Sales Orientation and Customer Orientation on Adaptive Selling Behaviors and Customer Satisfaction in Semiconductor Related Industry
Authors: 林信銓
Lin, Hsin-Chuan
Chang, Chia-Chi
Keywords: 適應性銷售;銷售導向;顧客導向;顧客滿意度;Adaptive Selling Behavior;SOCO;Customer Satisfation
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 半導體係我國之重要產業,亦是高度分工,與高度競爭的產業;在半導體產業之中,組織獲利和業務人員有著不可分割的關係,因此,業務人員之相關銷售行為,是十分值的探討的領域。


Semiconductor industry is an important industry in Taiwan. It is a highly specialized division of labor and also a competitive industry. In this industry, there is an inseparable relationship between the profitability and business people. Thus, the related selling behavior of sales person is also a very valuable field to explore.

This study is based on the quantitative analysis of the data, acquired from relevant business people in the semiconductor-related business. A total of 144 respondents samples were taken to understand whether all 4 variables have significant correlation.

This study aims to explore the relationship between adaptive selling behavior and customer satisfaction by using SOCO as mediator variables. In this study, we used hierarchical regression analysis to obtain the results and found that there is a significant relationship between adaptive selling behavior and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, customer-orientated has an intermediary effect on adaptive selling behavior and customer satisfaction.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463112
Appears in Collections:Thesis