Title: 線上媒體平台推薦系統之研究
Research on Recommender Systems for Online Media Platforms
Authors: 陳冠佑
Chen, Kuan-Yu
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: 虛擬商品推薦;推薦系統;線上活動推薦;協同過濾;喜好分析;資料擴展;系統實作;Virtual Goods Recommendation;Activity Recommendation;Collaborative Filtering;Preference Analysis;Terms Expansion;System Implementation
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 線上媒體服務不斷的興起,提供各種面向的服務給所有的使用者,包括新聞、音樂、影音、電子商務、遊戲、以及虛擬世界等等。這些線上媒體平台吸引各類型的用戶進入,產生流量。並以此為基礎,透過會員付費或是廣告販售將流量變現,藉此產生營收。因此流量對於線上媒體平台而言,是關乎生存與獲利的重要因素。而線上流量的產生很重要的一部分來自內部橫向串連,透過有效的介面設計、動線規劃、以及相關內容的推薦去增加讀者在站內的互動、閱讀、與商品瀏覽等等來提升網站流量,創造收益。
Online media platforms have been increased tremendously in recent years. These online services gain website traffic from all around the world, and monetize their traffic by ads, member fees, or e-commerce. A good method to increase their traffic is definitely crucial to uplift their revenue.
Website traffic mainly comes from in-site page views, which are affected by user interface, user experience and the information providing. Providing right information in the right place could attract user’s eyeball, and encourage them to view more contents, or buy more goods. This research mainly investigates the recommendations for online media platforms, including the social-based platforms (e.g. virtual worlds) and the content-based media platforms (e.g. news platforms).
Virtual worlds (VW) are computer-simulated environments which allow users to interact with other people through their own virtual characters. In VWs, virtual goods are the most important revenue resource. Different from traditional product recommendations, users’ buying behaviors in VWs are highly affected by their social activities. This work proposes a social-based recommendation approach to recommend virtual goods that considers the users’ virtual life features and the contact influences derived from the interactions with social neighbors. The research highlights the importance of social interactions in virtual goods recommendation. The experimental evaluations are conducted by using the data retrieved from an on-line VW platform: RooMi. The experiment results show that the proposed method, considering social interactions and social life circle, can achieve better performance than existing recommendation methods.
The content-based news platforms always provide multi-lateral content to attract users through their most interested topics. Combining online news websites with attending activities can attract more users and create more benefit. This study designs novel recommendation methods to predict the long-term and online user preferences on activities based on the association analysis on users’ browsing news and attending activities. Furthermore, novel recommendation adjustment strategies are proposed to dynamically adjust the recommendation list to increase users’ click-through rates.
Finally, an online recommender system is implemented on an online media platform: Niusnews. The online recommender system is dynamically adaptive to cost and efficiency. Online experimental evaluations are conducted on the news platform. The result of the online recommender system demonstrates that our proposed approach can enhance the effectiveness of recommendations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079834801
Appears in Collections:Thesis