Title: 影響研發人員知識隱藏及沉默的因素
Factors Contributing to R&D Personnel’s Knowledge Hiding and Silence
Authors: 劉富綺
Liu, Fu-Chi
Keywords: 心理契約違反;道德領導;知覺組織妨礙;沉默;知識隱藏;Psychological contract breach;Ethical leadership;Perceived organization obstruction;Silence;Knowledge hiding
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 以往對於知識隱藏的研究並不多見,對於員工負面行為的發生機制討論的也不多。本研究主要在探討研發人員知識隱藏及沉默行為產生的因素,並以知覺組織妨礙為中介,探討引發知識隱藏及沉默心理情緒的轉換機制。假設是以社會交換理論為基礎,討論當員工心理契約違反是否會透過知覺組織妨礙來影響知識隱藏及沉默,並同步探討在社會學習理論中組織中主管的道德領導的影響。研究樣本以從事技術研發人員為對象,問卷分成兩階段發放,共收集116份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,心理契約違反透過知覺組織妨礙影響知識隱藏及沉默為正向影響,其中對沉默不具中介效果,但具有間接效果,對知識隱藏則具有部份中介效果;道德領導透過知覺組織妨礙影響知識隱藏及沉默為負向影響,其中對沉默為完全中介,對知識隱藏則不具中介效果,但具有間接效果。本研究證實心理契約違反是造成知識隱藏及沉默的因素之一,而道德領導則可減緩知識隱藏及沉默行為的發生,因此對於組織而言,要避免給予員工過度與不切實際的承諾,破壞員工對組織的信任,同時主管應具備道德領導風範,強化員工間資訊與知識的交流。
Few studies in the literature have examined the causes of R&D personnel’s knowledge hiding and silence behaviors, and few have concerned about the mechanisms for making such behaviors. This paper aims to explore the causes of R&D personnel’s knowledge hiding and silence behaviors, taking perceived organization obstructions as the mediation mechanism and emotional and psychological triggers as the antecedents of such behaviors. Based on the social exchange theory, we examined whether psychological contract breach would lead to knowledge hiding and silence behaviors via perceived organizational obstruction and whether ethical leadership of supervisors would attenuate the effects of contract breach on knowledge hiding and silence. We used a two-step procedure to collect survey data from 116 employees of an R&D research institute. The results of the study showed that psychological contract breach had a positive influence on employee knowledge hiding and silence behaviors. The perceived organization obstruction partially mediated the influence on knowledge hiding, but not on silence behavior. However, there was an indirect effect from the breach on silence through the perceived obstruction. Ethical leadership had a negative effect on employee knowledge hiding and silence through perceived organization obstruction. The perceived obstruction full mediated the negative influence on the silence and the leadership had an indirect effect on knowledge hiding via the obstruction. This study demonstrates that psychological contract breach is one of the contributors of employee knowledge hiding and silence behaviors, while ethical leadership is an inhibitor of such behaviors. By avoiding giving excessive and unrealistic promises to employees, organizations can reduce R&D personnel’s perceive organizational obstructions and henceforth their knowledge hiding and silence behaviors. In addition, organizations can emphasize ethical leadership in order to foster information and knowledge sharing among their R&D personnel.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070263136
Appears in Collections:Thesis