Title: 基於手機基站資料的用戶交通模式探勘
Public Transportation Mode Detection with Cellular Data
Authors: 黃聖芸
Huang, Sheng-Yun
Peng, Wen-Chih
Keywords: 手機基站資料;交通模式;Cellular Data;Transportation Mode
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在日常生活中,公共運輸是很重要的一環。它可以用來了解人群在城市中是如何移動的。之前的研究曾經用GPS,Wi-Fi或藍芽來收集資料,但是這些方式都需要額外的感測器和設備。另外,也有人透過智慧卡的系統來收集資料。但是,有些公共運輸有他們自己的智慧卡系統,而且智慧卡資料無法包括所有的交通模式,因此我們認為不適合作為本文收集資料的方式。在現今的社會,每個使用者都有自己的行動電話,而且從電信公司提供的蜂窩資料,我們可以推斷出用戶的交通模式,更進一步來說,給一組蜂窩資料,我們提出了一個偵測用戶交通模式的系統。我們只單純用蜂窩資料,沒有額外的手機感測器資料。在本文中,我們引入了一些外部資料,例如公車路網資料,去辨別交通模式。使用蜂窩資料有時無法辨別使用者確切的位置,因此,我們提出了兩種方法(軌道型、道路型),考慮了基地台特性、時間因素和空間因素來辨別不同的交通模式。我們使用中華電信(台灣最大的電信公司)提供的蜂窩資料來展示我們系統的實用性。
Public transportation is essential in people’s daily life and it is crucial to understand how people move around the city. Some prior works have exploited GPS, Wi-Fi or bluetooth to collect data,in which extra sensors or devices were needed. Other works utilized data from smart card systems. However, some public transportation systems have their own smart card system and the smart card data cannot include all kinds of transportation modes, which makes it unsuitable for our study. Nowadays, each user has his/her own mobile phones and from the cellular data of mobile phone service providers, it is possible to know the users’ transportation modes. As such, given a set of cellular data, we propose a system for public transportation mode detection. Note that we only have cellular data, no extra sensor data collected
from users’ mobile phones. In this paper, we refer to some external data sources (e.g., the bus routing networks) to identify transportation modes. Users’ cellular data sometimes have uncertainty about user location information. Thus, we propose two approaches(Track-based, Road-based) for different transportation mode detection considering the cell tower properties, spatial and temporal factors. We demonstrate our system using the data from Chunghwa Telecom, which is the largest telecommunication company in Taiwan, to show the usefulness of our system.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456026
Appears in Collections:Thesis