Title: 招募者在看你的領英社群檔案時會看什麼? 主修、實習經驗、專業推薦對招聘建議之影響
What Are Recruiters Looking for on Your LinkedIn Profile? The Effects of Major, Internship, and Professional Testimonial on Hiring Recommendations.
Authors: 鄭緯慈
Cheng, Wei-Tzu
Chen, Pei-Hua
Keywords: 領英;實習經驗;主修;個人-工作適配;檔案可信度;LinkedIn;internship;major;person-job fit;profile credibility
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討招募者在LinkedIn個人檔案中關注的內容為何,我們研究教育背景、實習經驗、專業推薦對個人-工作適配、檔案可信度及招聘建議之影響。參與者被分配到2×2×2的受試者實驗設計中,被要求閱讀Android / iOS App工程師職位的工作需求,並評估了8個不同的LinkedIn個人檔案。本研究透過社群媒體網站與應用程式,發放線上問卷連結給124位具有一年以上招聘經驗的人力資源專業人員,取得30份有效問卷。本研究結果顯示,當招聘人員使用LinkedIn檔案進行篩選時,教育背景和實習經驗會經由個人-工作適配的中介,正向影響招聘建議。在人選具有非相關教育背景的情況下,具有相關實習經驗的人被認為比非相關實習經驗的人有較高的個人-工作適配。 對於相關教育背景的人選來說,是否有相關的實習經驗並不重要。 此外,專業推薦會增加檔案可信度,進而正向影響招聘建議。
The purpose of this study is to investigate what recruiters are looking for on LinkedIn profiles. We studied the effects of major, internship and professional testimonials on person-job fit, profile credibility and hiring recommendations. Participants were assigned to 2×2×2 within-subject experimental design and were asked to read the job requirements for the position of Android / iOS App engineer and evaluated eight different LinkedIn profiles. Online questionnaire links were distributed to 124 human resources professionals with more than one year of recruiting experiences through social media websites and apps, and 30 valid questionnaires were collected. The results showed that major and internship positively affect hiring decisions through the mediator of Person-Job fit when recruiters used LinkedIn profiles for screening purposes. When candidates are with irrelevant majors, those who has relevant internship experiences were perceived to have higher person-job fit than irrelevant internships ones. For candidates from relevant major, it does not matter to whether they have relevant internship relevance does not matter. In addition, professional testimonials increase profile credibility and then positively affect hiring recommendations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453126
Appears in Collections:Thesis