標題: 歷史與展示:乙未之役相關展覽之探討
History and Exhibitions: “The Japanese Invasion of Taiwan in 1895” as an Example
作者: 張金龍
Chang, Chin-Lung
Chang, Wei-An
關鍵字: 乙未之役;客家委員會;博物館;The Japanese Invasion of Taiwan in 1895;Hakka Affairs Council;Museum
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 摘要 「乙未之役」是臺灣歷史重要的一部份,也是在臺灣本土上發生過的最大規模的對日本的戰爭。在此戰役中領導的將領與參加的義民,客家人在這裡面占有很重要的地位及為保衛臺灣這塊土地作了很大的犧牲,所以有很大的貢獻,但這些英勇的事蹟很少人知道,因此客家委員會及學術等相關單位在2015年,利用「乙未之役」120週年的日子,策畫展覽把這段歷史告訴國人。 本研究是以「乙未之役」的展覽與學術研討會為觀察對象,透過「乙未之役」展覽的資料、乙未之役及博物館文獻,進行歸納及比較,發現了三種現象:一、「乙未之役」歷史文物的展覽有多種的展示、詮釋;二、展出的資料對於同一件事情說法不一致;三、從文獻得知,阻止近衛師團南下接收臺灣的過程中,新竹地區的戰役也是關鍵地位之一,但沒有把發生在新竹地區的重要戰役資料一起展出。因此,本研究有提出三項結論:一、未來相關的展示把「乙未之役」進行展覽分類歸納;二、尤其把不一致的展示資料列出來,呈現該戰役論述之多樣性;三、建議發生於新竹地區的「乙未之役」戰役完整地納入展覽,並且可以將其作為常態展,把這段歷史告訴臺灣所有民眾。 本文包括緒論、博物館與展示、「乙未之役」展示與歷史事件、「乙未之役」的展示分析、結論等,探討一件歷史事件如何在博物館展示,才能展現這事件對臺灣社會的貢獻。 關鍵字:乙未之役、客家委員會、博物館
Abstract The Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1895 is an important part of Taiwan's history. It is the largest local war waged against the Japanese army in Taiwan. In this conflict, many of the anti-Japanese forces, including the main leaders and the commoners were the Hakka. The Hakka people who defended Taiwan against the Japanese forces made a considerable military contribution, yet their contribution is not widely recognized. In 2015, the year that marked the 120th anniversary of the Japanese invasion of Taiwan, many museums and institutions (including the academic and governmental institutions) had curated exhibitions and held relevant events (such as conferences) to remember the conflict in 1895. This raises the question of how the curators of different institutions represent the conflict, and whether or not the participation of Hakka was recognized (and how). Focusing on the collection and comparison of exhibition materials and literature, this study was an attempt to understand the ways the academic conference and the exhibitions represented “the Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1895”. The thesis included an examination of museums and exhibitions, the historical events and exhibition of the Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1895, and an analysis of the event and the exhibitions on the invasion. It discussed how artifacts and information on this historical event could be displayed in a museum, and therefore contributes to a better understanding of this part of Taiwanese history. There are three key observations of this study: firstly, there are various interpretations of the exhibition on the Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1895, because there were multiple ways to display the historical relics; secondly, for the same event, there was no coherent way to present the materials; thirdly, in the series of battles that blocked the Japanese Imperial Guard from advancing to the south of Taiwan, the battle in Hsinchu was also crucial, but its history was not displayed in detail. From these observations, this study made three conclusions: firstly, the materials displayed in the exhibition should be categorized; secondly, the incoherent information should be singled out and highlighted to demonstrate the diverse discourses on the battle; thirdly, a permanent exhibition on the battle that happened in Hsinchu should be curated so that people can learn more about it. Key words: The Japanese Invasion of Taiwan in 1895, Hakka Affairs Council, Museum
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070355517