標題: 眼動追蹤回饋鷹架對高中生 自我效能、測驗焦慮與學習成效 之影響:以C程式語言課程為例
The Effect of Eye-Tracking Scaffolding on High School Students’ Self-Efficacy, Test Anxiety, and Learning Performance: The Case of a C Programming Language Course
作者: 徐逸娟
Hsu, Yi-Chuan
Sun, Chih-Yuan
關鍵字: 眼動追蹤;程式設計;鷹架學習;自我效能;測驗焦慮;學習成效;Eye-Tracking;Programming Design;Scaffolding;Self-Efficacy;Test-Anxiety;Academic Performance
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究目的為探討眼動儀結合鷹架回饋機制對高中生程式學習之自我效能、測驗焦慮與學習成效之影響,研究設計採準實驗研究法,並透過量化與質性資料來分析。 研究工具包含眼動儀、線上答題系統、自我效能量表、測驗焦慮量表、學習成效測驗與開放式問卷。本研究將受試者分別指派至控制組、實驗組一(同儕鷹架組)、實驗組二(眼動追蹤回饋鷹架組)、實驗組三(雙重鷹架組),每個組別分別為19人、19人、19人、20人。此兩種鷹架(眼動追蹤回饋鷹架、同儕鷹架)被應用於研究者自行設計之線上程式答題系統中。 研究結果顯示,眼動追蹤回饋鷹架組的學生,自我效能顯著高於其他三個組別。此外,同儕鷹架組的學生,自我效能顯著高於控制組與雙重鷹架組。然而,雙重鷹架組學生,自我效能、測驗焦慮與學習成效與其他三個組別沒有顯著差異。 本研究發現,無論是眼動追蹤回饋或是同儕回饋,皆在程式自我效能方面有顯著成效,故教學中可以多利用兩種鷹架。另外,同時使用多種鷹架於教學中,可能造成學生的多工行為,進而影響鷹架的效果,故建議教學或未來研究可以避免同時提供多種鷹架協助。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eye-tracking scaffolding on high school students’ self-efficacy, test anxiety, and learning performance for C programming language course. This study employed the quasi-experimental design and collected both the qualitative and quantitative data. The instruments included an eye tracker, the online testing platform, the self-efficacy scale, the test-anxiety scale, the academic performance test, and the open-ended questionnaire. The participants were divided into a control group, an experimental group 1 (peer scaffolding), an experimental group 2 (eye-tracking scaffolding), and an experimental group 3 (mixed scaffolding). The number of participants in each group were 19, 19, 19, and 20 respectively. Two kinds of scaffolding (eye-tracking scaffolding and peer scaffolding) were provided on the online testing platform. The results showed that the students in the eye-tracking scaffolding group had significantly higher self-efficacy than those in the other three groups. In addition, the students in the peer scaffolding group had significantly higher self-efficacy than those in the mixed scaffolding group and the control group. However, no differences in test-anxiety and academic performance were found among the four groups. No differences in self-efficacy, test-anxiety and academic performance were found between the mixed scaffolding group and the other three group. This study showed that both eye-tracking scaffolding and peer scaffolding can increase student’s self-efficacy. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers use these two scaffoldings to support teaching. In addition, using multi-scaffolding at the same time might lead to a multi-tasking learning environment that could diminish the benefit of scaffolding. Thus, researcher suggest that teacher should avoid offering more than one scaffolding at the same time while teaching.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259637
Appears in Collections:Thesis