Title: 以混合深度學習方法加速嵌入式系統之物件偵測
A Hybrid Deep Learning Method of Fast Object Detection for Embedded System
Authors: 陳冠任
Chen, Guan-Ren
Tsao, Shiao-Li
Keywords: 嵌入式系統;物件偵測;embedded system;object detection
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 現今有許多電腦視覺在嵌入式系統上的應用,然而電腦視覺的應用需要大量的計算及功耗,這並不樂見於嵌入式系統。一般而言,使用者在不同應用程式、不同的情境下對於效能及功耗有不同的需求,因此我們想要量測不同演算法在不同平台下效能、功耗和準確度的特性,並透過我們的結果提供使用者一些平台和演算法選擇上的建議。
Nowadays, there are a plenty of the computer vision applications on embedded system. However, it is not good to run computer vision applications on embedded systems which will take much computation and power consumption. This study aims to measure the power consumption, the accuracy and the performance of different algorithm running on different platform to give the suggestion of choosing algorithm on the platform so to meet the request of the performance and power consumption for different applications in different situation.
In this thesis, we build a 3D plot which composed by power, accuracy and FPS. Further, from microscopic point of view, we choose one higher accuracy but slower detection algorithm and one lower accuracy but faster detection algorithm. Since video has the characteristics that the frame in video will be similar to its next frame, we run these two detection algorithm on the video frames alternatively and use the result produced by higher accuracy algorithm to correct the result produced by lower accuracy algorithm so that we can achieve the result that the accuracy is close to the higher accuracy algorithm but its execution time significantly shortened.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456065
Appears in Collections:Thesis