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dc.contributor.authorHsu, Cheng-Kaien_US
dc.contributor.authorCheng, Stoneen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study presents an approach to analyze the inherent emotional ingredients in the polyphonic music signals, and applied to the soundscape emotion analysis. The proposed real-time music emotion trajectory tracking systems are established by maching learning techniques, music signal processing, and the integration of two-dimensional emotion plane and categorical taxonomy as emotion recognition model. Two sets of training data are collected, one is consisted of popular music and the other is consisted of western classical music, each set contains 192 emotion-predefined music clips respectively. Volume, onset density, mode, dissonance, and timbre are extracted to serve as the characteristics of a music excerpt. After emotion score counting process, Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is used to demarcate the margins between four emotion states. A graphical interface with mood locus on emotion plane is established to trace the alteration of music-evoked human emotions. Experimental result verified that different sets of training data would lead to the variation of boundaries among two emotion recognition models. Soundscape specifies the auditory environment of human daily activities, which can affect emotion states and living quality of human beings. This study proposed an access to environmental sound designing based on emotion recognition and psychoacoustic, especially focusing on the needs of various fields for commercial purpose or auditory atmosphere creation. The soundscape study is conducted by evaluating the effectiveness of emotion locus variation of selected urban soundscape sets blending with music signals. The simulation of playing background music in authentic field makes good use of music emotional characteristics to help people alter the emotion states and the state of mind, and further affect human behavior and decision-making.en_US
dc.subjectMusic Emotion Recognitionen_US
dc.subjectGaussian Mixture Model (GMM)en_US
dc.titleComparison of Music Emotion Classification and Interpretation System Based on Different Genre of Training Data and Applied to Soundscape Emotion Recognition and Mixing Audio Analysisen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis