標題: 探討網路口碑因素與購買意圖之關係
An Exploration of Relationship between eWOM and Purchase Intention
作者: 王靜柔
Wang, Ching-Jou
關鍵字: 網路口碑;來源可信度;論點品質;網路評價;購買意圖;eWOM;Source Credibility;Argument Quality;Online Review;Purchase Intention
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 網路口碑是現今相當盛行的行銷手法,能幫助企業提高知名度、建立優良的品牌形象,在無形中達到宣傳的效果。同時也有越來越多消費者習慣在下購買決策前搜尋網路上的評價,藉此降低購物的風險及不確定性。網路口碑能應用在產品、服務、品牌及企業本身,且形式相當多元,舉凡使用心得、粉絲數、按讚數和星等的評分都是網路口碑的一種,隨著現在社群媒體的興起,大幅提高了口碑傳播之速度,也拓展了傳播之範圍。 歷年來有許多學者針對網路口碑的不同層面進行研究,但大多數文獻是以統計方法分析問卷結果,缺乏實際個案去證明理論在實務上的可行性,因此本研究透過廣泛地蒐集網路口碑的相關文獻,將網路口碑因素加以歸納,區分為主觀的消費者層面與客觀的資訊層面,針對客觀的網路口碑因素:來源可信度、論點品質及網路評價提出研究命題,以個案驗證三者與購買意圖間的關係。 實證結果發現,來源可信度與購買意圖無正相關,論點品質與網路評價與購買意圖有正相關,其中以口碑推薦人數與網路評價總數對購買意圖的影響最為顯著。而造成驗證結果與文獻相異的原因,研判為產品類型與應用平台的涉入,未來研究者可加入此兩項因素作更詳細的剖析,完善網路口碑相關領域之研究。
Electronic word-of-mouth(eWOM) is a prevalent marking tool in recent years. It enhances the brand awareness of the enterprise, builds a strong brand image, and promotes the product in an invisible way. Most customers are used to searching online reviews before making purchase decisions to reduce the risk and uncertainty. With the rise of social media, the expansion rate and range of eWOM are increased dramatically. Over the past few years, many researchers studied on different aspects of eWOM, but most of the studies analyze the result of questionnaire based on statistical method. It lacks practical cases to prove the feasibility of these theories in the real world. Therefore, this study attempts to review eWOM papers extensively and then classifies eWOM factors into two categories: subjective and objective. Three propositions were developed and justified by using a practical case to determine the relationship between objective eWOM factors and purchase intention. The results indicated that there is no positive correlation between the source credibility and purchase intention but argument quality and online reviews have positive impacts on purchase intention. Among them, the number of recommendation and the volume of reviews have the most significant impact on the purchase intention. These findings have implications for marketing executives in terms of the key factor about managing eWOM.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453509