Title: RackNFV: 一個能節省網路頻寬和快速重新設定且在機櫃中運行的網路功能虛擬化系統
RackNFV: A Bandwidth-Effient and Reconfiuration-Agile NFV System Operating in a Rack
Authors: 蔡瑞昇
Tsai, Ruei-Sheng
Wang, Shie-Yuan
Keywords: 軟體定義網路;網路功能虛擬化;服務功能鏈;Software-defined Networking;Network Function Virtualization;Service Function Chain
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在現今網路功能虛擬化 (Network Functions Virtualization: NFV) 的技術中,為了讓進入 NFV 系統的封包可以取得理想的網路服務,在網路拓樸固定的情況,需要特殊的機制使封包依照指定的路線與服務順序在虛擬網路功能 (Virtual Network Function: VNF) 間流動,目前主要有兩種方法去實作 — Network Services Headers (NSH) 跟 VXLAN 或 GRE Tunneling。然而在這樣的設計下,皆會發生某些傳輸線路被重複使用的問題,進而造成頻寬不必要的浪費,對於這樣的問題,許多論文提出了演算法去針對 VNFs 的放置與 NFV 底層網路的設計進行優化與改良,在這篇論文中,我們對於這樣的做法進行了反思,提出了一個嶄新的觀點,藉由動態地改變底層網路的配置,一方面既能符合任何服務鏈 (Service Function Chain: SFC) 的需求,也能避免封包經過重複的路徑。在這篇論文中,我們將上述的觀點與 NFV 的概念整合起來,提出了一種新的系統,並將之定名為 RackNFV: 一個能節省網路頻寬和快速重新設定且在機櫃中運行的網路功能虛擬化系統,在此篇論文中,我們詳盡的介紹我們的設計並與其它方法進行比較,在最後進行 RackNFV 的討論與總結。
In this paper, we design, implement, demonstrate the functions, evaluate the performance, analyze the usage, and disucss the advantages of RackNFV --- a highly bandwidth-efficient and reconfiguration-agile NFV deployment system that operates in a Rack. Using RackNFV, multiple servers on which VNFs are executed and a switch that connects these servers are placed in a Rack. The switch is partitioned into several slice switches that can be dynamically reconfigured to connect to one another to form any desired network toplology to connect these NFV servers. Packets entering this switch from other switches/routers outside the Rack can be steered through any desired service function chain by traversing these slice switches and NFV servers. RackNFV saves network bandwidth and enables very fast service function chain (re)configurations for flows. It greatly saves network bandwidth and reduces NFV deployment, operation, and management costs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456504
Appears in Collections:Thesis