標題: 無人飛行載具於大規模崩塌地調查之應用研究
The Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on Large-scale Landslide Investigation
作者: 黎俊逸
Li, Chun-I
Pan, Yii-Wen
關鍵字: 無人飛行載具;攝影測量;地表地質調查;數值模型應用;大規模崩塌潛勢區;UAV;Photogrammetry;Site investigation;Application of digital models;Large-scale landslide potential
公開日期: 2017
摘要:   於大規模崩塌潛勢趨之場址分析中,需透過繁複的地表地質調查以獲得潛勢分析所需要之地質資訊,包括航照判釋、現地調查及地質鑽探等項目。然而地表地質調查執行相當花費人力以及成本,且地質資訊獲取常遭受大規模崩塌地區之崎嶇地形阻隔,於難以到達之地區,如峭壁、蝕溝以及深谷等地區之地質資訊便很難獲得。近年搭載相機或影像感測器之輕型UAV,因其具機動性高、成本低之特性,快速的在工程界被廣泛使用。本研究以商用輕型UAV為研究工具,探討航拍UAV如何能夠輔助地質調查之進行,使地表地質調查更加有效率且完善。   航拍UAV產製的資料種類為航空照片,若再透過航空攝影測量方法可使航空照片加值為點雲模型、數值地表模型以及正射影像等圖資。本研究根據此四種資料種類規劃出五種可能進行之地質資訊項目調查方式,分別為崩積層厚度估算、地層位態量測、微地形量測及圈繪、量體變遷估算以及地貌變遷評估等。本研究針對上述項目分別進行研究,過程包含選擇研究場址,飛行規劃與資料應用、測試與分析,最後展示UAV航拍圖資用於輔助地表地質調查的成果。
  To assess the potential of a large-scale landslide, it is necessary to obtain geological information for the landslide site through site investigation, including aerial interpretation, field geology survey, geophysics tests and borehole exploration. However, the implementation of geological surveys usually consumes a lot of time and manpower. Geological information access is often exposed to rugged terrain in a large-scale landslide; it is difficult to obtain geological information in the inaccessible areas such as cliffs and deep valleys. Lately, light-weight unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) equipped with cameras or image sensors have been widely used because of its high mobility and low cost. This thesis adopts commercial UAV as a research tool and utilizes the UAV-photogrammetry methods to improve the efficiency of geological survey in a site of large-scale landslide. The produced UAV photogrammetry includes aerial photos, three-dimensional point cloud, digital surface models, and ortho-images. In this thesis, five possible geological survey applications are planned according to various types of data. These applications include the following: (1) the thickness estimation of colluvium; (2) the orientation determination of rock discontinuities; (3) the micro-photography interpretation, measurement and mapping; (4) the volume estimation of erosion and accumulation; and (5) the assessment of terrain change. For each application, a series of processes are carried out: (1) flight planning and data application, (2) site selection, (3) testing and analysis, and (4) result demonstration for UAV application in geological survey.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451258
Appears in Collections:Thesis