Title: | Revit 於鋼筋混凝土結構建模實例探討 Case Studies of Revit Modeling in Reinforced Concrete Structures |
Authors: | 劉俊成 林昌佑 Liu, Jun-Cheng Lin, Chang-Yu 土木工程系所 |
Keywords: | 建築資訊模型BIM;鋼筋混凝土結構;BIM效益分析;Revit;reinforced concrete;strategy;cost-benefit analysis |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 近年國內政府與大型工程顧問公司皆大力推崇BIM導入之理念與效益,但就中小型建商而言,似未能獲得普遍之應用與認同,若要成就BIM之概念與願景,還須落實BIM技術面能力之深耕。 鋼筋混凝土結構仍為目前業界應用最廣泛的結構形式,尤以中小型工程項目案例,更是以鋼筋混凝土建案為大宗。 就技術面而言,以一個豐富精準正確的資訊模型為基礎,才能真正實現BIM的運作與理想,本研究使用3D電腦繪圖軟體Autodesk Revit 2016為設計工具,實際建置鋼筋混凝土結構之BIM模型,在落實基礎實作的環境下,分析如何建置一個能發揮其功效之資訊模型。 本研究案例以結構建置功能為主要探討方向,因此以結構體之柱、梁、板、牆為主要建置內容,柱梁板牆鋼筋建置與配筋設計的方法步驟,以及所應注重之基本要項與建置技巧,並探究其衍生之功能與相關議題,瞭解使用者所應學習與具備的正確能力,進而期許BIM模式能藉此在業界創造更全面的支持與更高之效益。 In recent years, our government and large consulting engineering corporations have widely advocated the thinking and efficiencies of BIM application in their construction strategies. However, it seems that the implementation of BIM hasn’t been recognized and popularized by small engineering companies. In order to fulfill the vision and conception of BIM, it is essential to practice and cultivate the capacities for BIM. Reinforced concrete structures are still the most universal structures, which are the majority of minor works in small and medium companies. Technically, based on precise and accurate information models, this research makes use of Revit 2016, a 3D computer graphics software from Autodesk, to build a reinforced concrete model and further suggests the most efficient way to build a information model by practicing its techniques. This approach discusses the modeling functions in the structures, mainly of columns, beams, floors and walls. Moreover, this study not only reminds users of the essential factors while using Revit but also explores its advanced modeling skills as well as several derived issues through demonstrating the functions and procedures for positioning and designing reinforcement in columns, beams, floors and walls. This thesis deepens the users’ comprehensions and capacities for using Revit as a modeling tool, hoping BIM will be more widely applied and more highly enhanced in both efficiency and profit. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070051289 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/142459 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |