標題: 因應健保制度關於標靶藥物行銷策略關鍵影響因素之探討:以台灣某藥廠(大腸直腸癌治療)為例
On the Key Factors of the Marketing Strategy of Target Drugs in Health Insurance System : A Case Study of a Pharmaceutical Company in Taiwan (Colorectal Cancer Treatment)
作者: 吳文源
關鍵字: 行銷策略;標靶治療;免疫治療;大腸直腸癌;marketing strategy;target therapy;target immunotherapy;colorectal cancer
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 健保署2016年報告書提到,由於癌症占國人十大死因第一名,加上市面上標靶藥物發展越來越多樣化,因此藥物選項也逐漸增多。癌症標靶治療及免疫治療是目前各大藥廠極力研發的一個領域,希望能在未來將此討論結果應用在市場實務上,讓此研究能夠幫助藥廠在標靶藥品上,做出更切合實際市場需求的行銷策略,並藉此占取更大的市場利潤。此研究討論分析釐清市場行銷策略最重要的因素,並邀請數位國內大腸直腸癌治療專家提供諮詢。針對M公司大腸直腸癌標靶用藥因應市場狀況,成功完成行銷策略研擬。
According to the 2016 report of the National Health Department, the number of drugs have been increasing due to the fact that cancer is the first of the top-ten causes of death in Taiwan, and the development of target drugs leads to a great diversity of drug items in the market. For major pharmaceutical companies, cancer target therapy and immunotherapy is currently a major field for development. This study would like to investigate the most important factors in the analysis and clarification of marketing strategies. Hope that these companies are able to apply the results of this study to assist them in getting more insights into the demand of the market so as to make profit from the market. We invited several domestic experts in colorectal cancer treatment for consultation in the screening of the important factors. This study successfully came up with the marketing strategy for the colorectal cancer target therapy drugs for the M Company as a case study.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463065