標題: 漢語副詞「自己」的語意探討
The Semantics of Adverbial Ziji in Mandarin
作者: 廖芳君
Liao, Fang-Chun
Liao, Hsiu-Chen
關鍵字: 中文「自己」;副詞「自己」;事件語意;含括語意情境;強調成分;Mandarin ziji;Adverbial ziji;Event semantics;Additive Context;intensifiers
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 漢語副詞「自己」的語意探討 研究生: 廖芳君 指導教授: 廖秀真 博士 國立交通大學外國語文學系暨外國文學與語言學碩士班 摘要 本論文探討漢語副詞「自己」的語意,認為其一詞有不同的語意解讀與用法上的限制,於是欲理解其細節,決定研究此議題,並對其語意解讀提出了新的洞見。 在此篇論文裡參考了前人文獻對於英語反身代名詞(one-self)的分析將「自己」一詞分為「排外語意」(exclusive reading)和「含括語意」(inclusive reading)。關於「排外語意」(exclusive reading),此篇論文同意文獻裡的一個「自己」帶出三種不同語意解讀的分析(Liao manuscript),分別為「獨自語意」(“alone” reading)、「親自語意」(“non-delegation” reading),以及「未促使語意」(“anti-causative” reading)。此外,為了使其三種不同語意解讀更為清晰,此篇論文採用了「事件相關之中心人物」(Constantinou 2014)的分析,並新增兩個不同面向,分別為「社會地位因素」和「高度參與程度因素」。關於「含括語意」(inclusive reading),此篇論文提出了新的語意解讀「對比語意」(contrastive reading),其語意可解釋「自己」一詞在用法上的限制。此外,此篇論文也討論關於「自己」一詞在含括語意的情境裡的不同語意解讀,並點出不同語意解讀源自於「也」一詞的句法位置高低。 綜言之,本文認為漢語副詞有兩個「自己」,分別為「排外」(exclusive)的「自己」和「含括」(inclusive)的「自己」。從機制角度談,原因為「排外語意」(exclusive reading)的語意獲得是取決於情境的不同,進而帶出一個與語境相關的人的集合,而「含括語意」(inclusive reading)則是當「自己」一詞一使用時,則帶出「對比語意」(contrastive reading),也就是和原句相反與相同的各一個語意解讀。 關鍵詞: 中文「自己」,副詞「自己」,事件語意,含括語意情境,強調成分
The Semantics of Adverbial Ziji in Mandarin Chinese Student: Fang Chun Liao Advisor: Hsiu Chen Liao Graduate Institute of Foreign Literature and Linguistics National Chiao Tung University Abstract The thesis investigates the semantics of adverbial ziji ‘self’ in Mandarin Chinese and accounts for the derivation of its readings and its restrictive uses. In this thesis, ziji has the exclusive reading and the inclusive reading. For exclusive ziji, the thesis agrees with Liao (manuscript) that there is only one ziji, and its three readings, i.e., the “alone” reading, the non-delegation reading and the anti-causative reading, are carried out by using a mechanism in the syntax-semantic interface. Besides, in order to make these three main readings clearer, the thesis adapts the idea of event-related centrality from Constantinou (2014), and it additionally adds two more factors, the social status factor and the involvement factor, to make “centrality” account for these three main readings. As for inclusive ziji, the thesis proposes that it has “the contrastive reading”, which can explain the puzzle of the restrictive uses of inclusive ziji. Furthermore, the thesis discusses the readings of ziji in the additive context, and in particular it points out how the readings of ziji are determined by its syntactic position relative to the word ye “also”. Overall speaking, the thesis proposes that there are two zijis, i.e., the exclusive ziji and the inclusive ziji. And the mechanical difference between the two zijis is, an alternative set for exclusive ziji is a set of other contextually relevant people, determining by C(De), while inclusive ziji requires that the alternative set includes its sentence and the negative counterpart of this sentence. Therefore, there are two zijis in Mandarin Chinese, one exclusive ziji with three main readings and one inclusive ziji. Keywords: Mandarin ziji, Adverbial ziji, Event semantics, Additive Context, intensifiers
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359017
Appears in Collections:Thesis