標題: 利用拉曼顯微光譜技術觀測從台灣特有種鍬形蟲之菌囊中所分離出之共生酵母
Raman microspectroscopic investigation on the symbiotic yeast isolated from mycangium of stag beetles endemic to Taiwan
作者: 黃祐敏
Huang, Yu-Min
Hamaguchi, Hiro-o
關鍵字: 拉曼顯微光譜;酵母菌;共生酵母菌;鍬形蟲;菌囊;Raman microspectroscopy;yeast;symbiotic yeast;stag beetle;mycangium
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在全球暖化的持續加速進行的環境中,尋找或開發出新的能源是一重要課題。其中,可再生能源中的生物燃料領域亦獲得不少科學家的關注。目前已知用來產生生物燃料的作物有:玉米、黃豆、甘蔗…等,然而將可作為糧食的農作物來進行生物燃料之提煉可能會造成威脅貧窮人口生存…等社會問題。在此實驗中,我們利用由台灣特有種鍬形蟲之菌囊中所分離出的共生酵母菌作為研究的對象。由於有學者指出鍬形蟲母成蟲會在蟲卵旁放置其菌囊中含有的共生酵母菌,讓幼蟲可以在孵化後輕易獲得酵母菌,使酵母菌進入幼蟲體內,協助幼蟲進行食物的消化過程。由於鍬形蟲幼蟲以腐木為食,而此類的共生酵母菌能夠幫助幼蟲消化腐木中的木質素,若是透過研究此類酵母菌在生物上的特性,在未來將有機會應用其特性在生質能源的發展之中。如此一來,就可以減少以糧食作物來進行生物燃料提煉。在此實驗中,我們利用激發波長為632.8 nm之共軛焦拉曼光譜法來進行研究。在顯微影像中,我們發現有一會持續躍動的顆粒(稱之為”dancing body”),除了對其進行單點的光譜測量,也進行了單一酵母菌的成像實驗。並利用多變數曲線解析法成功地分析出背景螢光訊號、脂質以及”dancing body”的拉曼光譜。
In recent decades, finding sustainable and renewable energy resources has become an issue of global importance. Among the sustainable energy resources, biomass has been focused especially. Till now, it is known for producing ethanol by corn, sugarcane, etc. Utilization of biomass, such as cellulose and xylan, as the starting material for biofuel production has been gathering attention. In this work, we used yeast symbionts which is isolated from mycangium (organ for transporting microbial symbionts) of female stag beetles. Because larvae of stag beetle is wood-feeding. And, the yeast symbionts, which are transferred from mother stag beetles, are thought to play an important role in the process of wood digestion. In this research, 632 nm excitation light source was used , and yeast symbionts isolated from nine different species of stag beetles were measured. We found there is particle moving around inside the cell, called “dancing body”, existing among these nine species. Besides only focusing on “dancing body”, mapping measurements on single yeast cell were also performed. Then, through the Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) analysis, the spectral components were successfully extracted.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452415