Title: 二維磁力控制掃描式光學顯微鏡
Two-dimensional electromagnetically actuated scanning optical fluorescence microscope
Authors: 牟育廷
Keywords: 二維;磁力;掃描;顯微鏡;Two-dimensional;electromagnetically;scanning;microscope
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在本研究中,設計了二維磁力控制掃描式光學顯微鏡,同時呈現其特性與磁力驅動模型。本次研究透過浸塗沉積將鎳粉塗佈在多模光纖上,塗佈長度為5公分、厚度為118微米。並對此光纖進行動態特性模擬,且將理論值與實際值做出比較。同時,證明能夠在13.3Hz的頻率下進行動態移動400um並且具有1535H / A磁場強度的鎳膜包覆的多模光纖,其中多模光纖探針長度為6.9cm、自然諧振頻率為12.1Hz,也確定了在92〜105 mHz的低頻範圍內平均動態掃描幅度為400um。接著使用兩個電磁鐵當作驅動源,並將其高度放置在不同的位置且彼此正交(X軸、Y軸),由於頻率上的不同將可掃描出二維螢光影像。樣本與標的物使用螢光片並疊上分辨率校正片、含有生物相容性螢光染料的玻璃微米針尖進行影像上的校準,及觀察其成像能力。最後,將生物相容性螢光染劑注射至斑馬魚血管中,觀測螢光染劑在血液循環中的時間和空間分布。
In this research, a 2D electromagnetically actuated optical fluorescence microscopy is designed, characterized and evaluated. Specifically, a 5 cm-long, 118 micrometer-thick nickel films were coated on multi-mode optic fiber through dip-coating deposition, and magnetomechanical properties of the fiber optic device were characterized dynamically, and compared with theoretical calculation. Nickel film-coated optic fiber capable of dynamic displacement of 400 μm at frequency of 13.3 Hz and the magnetic field strength of 1535 H/A has been demonstrated, while its fundamental-mode natural resonant frequency of the fiber optic scanner with length of 6.9 cm is 12.1 Hz,, respectively, and the averaged dynamic scanning breadth of 400 μm in a range of low frequency from 92 to 105 mHz was also confirmed. With two electromagnets positioned at different heights of the SM optical fiber orienting along two directional axes, X and Y, a two-dimensional scanning pattern can be traced out. Calibration and imaging capability of this this were carried out using resolution chart on top of fluorescent plate and microinjection of dextran, the biocompatible fluorescent dye, into the blood vessel of zebrafish to monitor temporal and spatial distribution of the fluorescent dye in the blood circulation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070458221
Appears in Collections:Thesis