标题: 以RFID 技术为基础之可携式眼睛保健无线纪录装置
A RFID-based Portable Wireless Recorder for Eye Healthcare Monitoring
作者: 庄凡颉
Chuang, Fan-Hsieh
Chiou, Jin-Chern
关键字: 眼压;读取器;电容量测;射频识别;Intraocular pressure;Receiver;C2D;RFID
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 本论文介绍可靠、容易携带、且具备自动化调整的眼压UHF RFID讯号接受器与应用程式 (IOP RFID Receiver and Application) 的研究与开发过程, 为了读取眼压讯号,我们使用以隐形眼镜为基础的装置 (IOP Tag),当病患戴着此隐形眼镜装置的时,可以藉由UHF RFID进行量测读值,并回传眼压数值返回接受器。在本论文前,该装置的接受器为CISC RFID Xplorer,因CISC RFID Xplorer接收体积庞大以及需要手动调整多项量测参数(例如:Baseline, Sensitivity 等),量测往往费时且非常不易携带。本论文为了解决此问题,开发了专属IOP量测监控的手持式装置(IOP RFID Receiver and Application)。开发主要为:RFID Receiver 韧体端与 IOP Android Application 手机软体开发,RFID Receiver 藉由修改原先 AMS AS3993 提供的官方韧体 (FW Source 1.3.8),定义并实现新的Protocol ID,使其支援IOP Tag 客制化的Commands;IOP Android Application 则为一支援 USB HID Protocol 的手机端应用程式,运行在支援 USB OTG 的 Android Smartphon装置上,开发过程采用 Android Studio撰写与RFID Receiver 沟通的HID Command,使得IOP Tag 读值可以直接在手机上进行,由手机本身提供足够的电力,不需要任何的外部供电,同时,为了让使用更方便,原先在Xplorer 上面的量测必须要手动调整Baseline 和 Sensitivity 使得 IOP Tag 中的 C2D 落在可读取范围内(介于0 到饱和值),透过本论文设计的IOP Applcation,程式会执行自动Segment Adjustment 演算法,选取最适当的Baseline 与 Sensitivity,全部调整的过程自动化,节省量测者的时间,同时增加使用的方便性,最后,由于IOP Receiver 的供电来源为手机本身,节省电源是一个重要的工作,本IOP Application 亦自动侦测并且调整最小Power Gain,用最小的Power 使得IOP Tag 运作且回传资料。
The thesis introduces our work on designing and implementation of a new UHF RFID Receiver for IOP Tag. The new receiver is portable, reliable and with auto adjustment feature. In order to read the intraocular pressure, or IOP from the eyes. We use a contact-lens-based device with sensor and chip built-in. As user wears the device, the receiver is able to read the intraocular pressure value and transfer the readout value back via UHF RFID transmission. Before the thesis, the measurement was conducted with CISC RFID Xplorer machine. The CISC Xplorer is a huge and not portable. Moreover, several initial adjustments (like baseline and sensitivity) are required every time before conducting a measurement. The thesis is about solving this problem by designing and implementing a new IOP RFID Receiver and Application. Mainly two parts, firmware on receiver and software application running on Android smartphone. Based on AMS AS3993 official firmware (FW Source 1.3.8), we define and implement a new protocol ID to supports IOP-customized commands. For the application software, we write a new Android application with USB OTG support. And execute an application on an Android smartphone. The communication between receiver and smartphone is based on USB HID protocol. By taking advantage of the protocol, the new IOP receiver is totally powered by smartphone USB socket. That requires no external power. Then, to make the receiver more friendly and easy to use, we also program auto segment adjustment algorithm. Previously, manual adjustment for baseline and sensitivity is time consuming. With the auto segment adjustment algorithm developed, a best fit baseline and sensitivity can be selected automatically without human involved. This not only saves user’s time, but also enhance its convenience. Last but not the least, since power for IOP receiver was taken from smartphone directly. Power saving is an important issue in order to provide longer durability. The new application also detects and adjusts a minimum power gain to boot IOP Tag. Thus, the receiver is able to work under highest energy efficiency.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070350706