标题: 波形鉴别在JUNO探测器中超新星微中子事例上的应用
Pulse Shape Discrimination Application to Supernova Neutrino Events in JUNO
作者: 吴晋玮
Wu, Chin-Wei
Lin, Guey-Lin
关键字: JUNO;超新星微中子;波形鉴别;JUNO;supernova neutrino burst;pulse shape discrimination
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 超新星爆炸带有丰富的微中子信息,使其成为微中子物理中不可或缺的一环,1987A的超新星爆炸使人类首次以探测器观察到太阳系以外的微中子,为微中子探测写下新的一页,而随着探测器技术的演进,我们对未来的超新星爆炸事件将具有更好的探测与分析能。JUNO地下微中子探测器是中国最新的微中子探测器,预计在2020年开始取数,其良好的能量分辨率,以及优良的发光效率,无疑的成为下一代最受瞩目的微中子探测器。

本论文将运用JUNO官方的模拟架构探讨超新星在JUNO中产生的事例,并从中加以区分。首先,我们运用Nakanato 等人团队的超新星数值模拟结果作为产生子的输入,之后将产生子结果放入探测器模拟,再从给出的蒙地卡罗信息中,给予适当的条件筛选并初步区分各个微中子反应。最后,我将运用波形鉴别的技巧,进一步探讨其用以提升效能的可能性。
Supernova burst has abundant neutrino information and plays an important role in neutrino physics. Supernova 1987A was the first neutrino burst we were able to detect by neutrino detector which left a milestone in neutrino experiment. As the technique grows, better supernova event detection capability can be expected.

The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is the latest neutrino detector situated at China which is expected to start running in 2020. Its good energy resolution and light yield make it one of the most precise neutrino detectors in the world.

In this dissertation, we perform the supernova neutrino simulation using the framework of JUNO official software. First, we use the supernova numerical result from Nakanato et al. (2013) as our generator input. Then, we go through the detector simulation and perform proper selection of supernova channels from the Monte Carlo result. In the end, we will use pulse shape discrimination (PSD) technique to improve the selection performance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452703