Title: 基於乘坐舒適度量測與深度學習路面辨識應用於智慧型輪椅控制器
An Intelligent Wheelchair Controller Design with Riding Comfort Estimation and Deep Learning Based Pavement Recognition
Authors: 黃晴瑋
Huang, Ching-Wei
Wu, Bing-Fei
Keywords: 智慧型輪椅;路面辨識;乘坐舒適度;適應性類神經模糊推論系統;Intelligent Wheelchair;Pavement Recognition;Riding Comfort;ANFIS
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 輪椅乘坐者常為老年人或身障人士,當輪椅行駛於戶外環境,多變的路面型態可能導致乘坐者的不舒適感受,本論文針對路面情況以及當前乘坐舒適度提出智慧輪椅控制器。針對輪椅所行駛的室內外常見環境,以深度學習的技術訓練路面辨識模組,在輪椅行駛的同時,可藉由此模組判斷當前的路面型態。同時,為了顧及乘坐者的乘坐舒適度,採用ISO 2631-1評估舒適度的辦法,以三軸加速度計算加權加速度方均根,並透過大量乘坐測試的問卷填寫訂定輪椅乘坐舒適度標準,藉此評斷行駛的舒適程度。
When the wheelchair is riding in the outdoor environment, the varied types of pavement materials may make people on the wheelchair feel uncomfortable. This paper proposes an intelligent wheelchair controller with pavement recognition and the riding comfort estimation. The deep learning method is used to train a pavement recognition model which can distinguish the current pavement type during the riding process. Meanwhile, it’s necessary to ensure the riding comfort judged by a wheelchair comfort standard defined by the weighted root-mean-square acceleration in ISO 2631-1 and the riding experiment questionnaires. A Q-Learning based Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Interface System (ANFIS) controller uses the speed command received from the user, the riding comfort index, and the pavement type to adjust the output speed command for the wheelchair. Over 84.24% of the experiment surveys reported good riding comfort from the harshest riding environment. At the same time, the excellent riding comfort feedback percentage from using the controller with the pavement recognition is increased by 25% compared to the percentage from using the controller without the pavement recognition. The intelligent wheelchair is able to effectively distinguish the pavement type and adjust the speed command according to the user requirement of the riding comfort.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460027
Appears in Collections:Thesis