標題: 鋁光柵超穎介面與液晶結合之可調控電漿子彩色濾光片
Active plasmonic color filters of aluminum metasurfaces integrated with liquid crystals
作者: 謝祖文
Xie, Zu-Wen
Chen, Kuo-Ping
關鍵字: 電漿子;超穎表面;彩色像素;鋁光柵;液晶;plasmonic;color pixels;aluminum grating;liquid crystal
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 使用電漿子奈米結構和超穎介面設計彩色像素已經成為近年來熱門的研究領域。在這裡,我們在實驗上展示了使用向列型液晶結合鋁光柵的具有電壓可調控性之動態電漿子彩色濾光片。除了使用一般典型的基板旋塗聚醯亞胺(Polyimide,PI)經過絨布刷出配相層,鋁光柵本身也可以作為液晶分子之配相作用,並結合成為扭轉向列型液晶盒。此混和結構使我們可以施加電壓來電控穿透與反射之顏色。我們展示了通過施加0 到4 Vrms 的電壓此裝置之頻譜與顏色有很明顯的調控性。
Designing color pixels using plasmonic nanostructures and metasurfaces has become a luring area of research in recent years. Here, we experimentally demonstrated the voltage tunability of a dynamic plasmonic color filter by using an aluminum grating integrated with the nematic liquid crystal (LC). Along with a typical substrate coated with rubbed polyimide film, the aluminum grating itself serves as a molecular alignment layer to form a twisted LC cell. This hybrid structure allows electrically controlled transmission and reflection color by applying a voltage. A significant spectral tunability of such a device has been demonstrated by applying a small voltage from 0 to 4 Vrms.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070458108
Appears in Collections:Thesis