Title: | 年齡層與文化經驗對電視劇接收的影響 –以越南閱聽人觀看電視劇《西遊記》為例 Impact of Age and Cultural Experience on the Reception of TV Series - A Case Study of Vietnamese Audiences Watching Drama "Journey to the West" |
Authors: | 陳秋河 郭良文 Tran Thi ,Thu Ha Kuo, Liang-Wen 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 接收分析理論;文化認同;文化接近性;Cultural Identity;Reception analysis;Cultural proximity |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 越南是一個具有潛在發展的電視劇市場。為了,促進越南本土劇的發展,越南政府於2014年已規定,越南的中央電視台和地方電視台的播出本土電視劇比例必須達到30%,且非在黃金時段不可。可是,電視劇《西遊記》自從1990年在越南首次播出後,連續在三十年期間反複重播,並且還能吸引越南觀眾瘋狂追看。本身越南人對「made in china」的產品具有負面印象,甚至排除心態,但是他們未曾排除《西遊記》,反而表示非常喜愛該電視劇。因此。本研究試圖探討,越南越聽人對電視劇《西遊記》的重看動機、接收原因以及解讀結果行為。 以閱聽人接收分析理論、文化接近性以及文化認同理論的觀點,本研究採取質性研究的焦點團體訪談和深度訪談發進行探討,越南閱聽人對電視劇《西遊記》的接收原因與解讀結果。研究共計訪問了19位處於三種年齡層的越南越聽人(男性為8位,女性為11位)。 研究發現,越南閱聽人因為陪伴家人、回想到過去的收看回憶以及客觀性的動機,而重看電視劇《西遊記》。他們接收電視劇《西遊記》的原因有四個:其一,越南閱聽人對電視劇《西遊記》產生認同感,他們認同劇中的中國傳統文化價值以及佛教文化價值;並且產生社會學習認同。其二,越南觀眾透過文本的敘事內容、真實性、非暴力性以及激發想像能力等因素產生愉悅感認同。其三,越南閱聽人對電視劇《西遊記》的角色特質產生認同與歸屬感,並且將其聯想到現實生活的人與物。其四,電視劇《西遊記》1986年版本已經成為經典版本,無可代替的,其對越南人具有強烈地吸引力。 此外,本研究也發現,從跨年齡的角度來看,越南人處於不同的年齡階段,如少年時期(20歲以下)、青年時期(20歲 – 40歲)以及中老年時期(40歲以上),對《西遊記》的詮釋結果顯示差異性。少年時期的閱聽人採用主導式解讀類型進行詮釋《西遊記》,認為,《西遊記》主要提倡各種善惡道德價值。青年閱聽人則採用協商式解讀類型進行詮釋《西遊記》,一方面認同《西遊記》的文化價值,一方面否定《西遊記》的佛教價值。而中老年閱聽人則採用主導式解讀類型進行解讀,他們完全傾向於認同《西遊記》的佛理思想價值。此外,閱聽人的解讀過程皆收到他們的文化認同以及文化經驗影響。 With a large population (world rank 15 in 2018), Vietnam is a very potential market of TV drama. In order to promote the development of local productions, the government stipulated in 2014 that the proportion of local TV dramas broadcasted by domestic TVs in Vietnam must reach 30%, and this should not be avoided during prime time. However, the drama "Journey to the West", which has been replayed year after year over a period of 30 years since it was first released in Vietnam in 1990, is still able to attract the following of Vietnamese audiences. Generally speaking, Vietnamese people have negatively impressions or even excluded their choices of "Made in China" things. However, instead of ruling out "Journey to the West", they are very fond of the drama. This study attempts to explore Vietnamese people watching the TV series "Journey to the West", review their motivation, reasons of receptioning and interpreting the results of behavior. In this study, the focused group-interviews and in-depth interviews conducted by qualitative research were carried out to discuss the receptionist's theory of acceptance analysis, cultural proximity and cultural identity. In total, 19 participants (8 males and 11 females), in three age groups, were interviewed. We found that Vietnamese audiences watched again "Journey to the West" because they spent time with their family members, recalled past memories of watching and objectivity. There are four reasons for their reception of the series. First, the Vietnamese audiences have a sense of identity with “Journey to the West”, recognized the traditional Chinese cultural values and Buddhist cultural values inside, and they also had social learning identities. Second, the audiences have a sense of pleasure through narrative content, authenticity, non-violentness and the ability to stimulate imagination. Third, they had a sense of identity and belonging to the character traits of the TV series "Journey to the West" and associated them with real-social people. Fourth, the 1986 version of the TV series "Journey to the West" has become a classic version, which is irreplaceable. It has a strong appeal to the Vietnamese. In addition, the study also found a cross-age perspective. The participants are at different stages of their life, such as youth (under 20 years), adolescence (20-40 years) and middle-aged (over 40 years) , The interpretation of the "Journey to the West" showed the difference. The juveniles interpreted "Journey to the West" by using the dominant decoding and thought that the drama mainly advocates various moral values of good and evil. The young audiences interpreted the drama by means of a negotiated decoding, recognized the cultural value of Journey to the West and denied the Buddhist value of Journey to the West on the one hand. However, middle-aged and old-aged people interpreted the types of dominant /preferred decoding, and they are entirely inclined to agree with the Buddhist values of “Journey to the West”. Moreover, the process of interpreting people's interpretations is influenced by their cultural identities and cultural experiences. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359119 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/142864 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |