Title: 應用六標準差法提升TFT-LCD Array良率之研究 -物理氣相沉積法之金屬膜剝落以I公司為例
Improving the TFT-LCD’s Array Yield by Six Sigma Method -A Case Study for PVD Metal Film Peeling of company I
Authors: 劉晉亨
Liou, Chin-Heng
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 物理氣相沉積法;六標準差;斷線改善;PVD;Six Sigma;Line Broken Reduce
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 隨著時代的進步,TFT-LCD產業的新製程與新產品不斷引進,想要在競爭激烈的大環境生存,企業最大的挑戰就是如何降低成本與提升品質。六標準差管理手法自1990年於品質改善有卓越的成效,逐漸受到高度肯定與重視。它是依據數據來解決問題,利用定義、衡量、分析、改進、控制搭配許多品質管理方面的工具,可讓企業有效且迅速的改善品質並提升競爭力。 本研究以TFT-LCD中的Array 薄膜製程段中物理氣相沉積法所造成的金屬膜剝落為改善標的,依據六標準差的管理手法DMAIC品質改善流程與方法,針對改善標的逐步分析不良原因,並應用統計方法找出重要影響因子,逐一針對各因子進行實驗驗證,最後將最佳化方法標準化管制、監控其改善成效,成功地達到減少報廢率及降低成本的財務目標,亦是增加公司競爭力讓企業得以長久的經營。
Along with the advance of science and technology, both new processes and new products are introduced continuously in the TFT-LCD industry. The biggest challenge for enterprises is how to reduce costs and improve quality in the environment with severe competition and rapid technical change. Since 1990, there are excellent outcomes in quality improvement by utilizing six sigma methodology which has gradually been valued. Six sigma methodology composed of define, measure, analysis, improve, control and many management tools, is an approach based on data to solve problems. It can improve quality and enhance competitiveness of enterprises effectively and rapidly. In this study, we focus on improving PVD metal peeling ratio in the Array TF segment of TFT-LCD. According to the DMAIC process of six sigma methodology that analyze causes of defects. Then, we find the key influencing factor and testing each factor by using statistic method. At last, we make the optimized method from key factor that convert into standardized control, and monitor the result of improvement. Finally, we reach the financial goals of reducing scrap rates and cutting costs that make enterprises more competitive and run sustainably.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463113
Appears in Collections:Thesis