標題: 含能量轉移螢光粉體之抗藍光LED高分子封裝材料
Anti-Blue Light LED Polymer Packaging Materials Containing Energy Transfer Phosphor Powders
作者: 劉人傑
Yang, Sheng-Hsiung
Lin, Hong-Cheu
關鍵字: LuAG螢光粉;抗藍光螢光粉;發光二極體;表面改質;發光強度;LuAG phosphors;anti-blue phosphors;LED;surface modification;luminous efficiency
公開日期: 2018
摘要: 本論文成功開發抗藍光複合材料應用於白光發光二極體,透過摻雜抗藍光無機發光粉,吸收LED晶片所產生的藍光,能量轉移至更長波長的藍光(波長大於450 nm)或是轉移到綠光到紅光之間發光範圍,把危害人眼的短波長藍光區域有效的再利用達到綠能與節能之目的。
This paper successfully developed anti-blue light complex materials used in white light-emitting diodes. The anti-blue inorganic phosphor can transfer the energy from the blue light generated by the LED chip to a longer wavelength (greater than 450 nm) to the green or red light in the visible range by doping process. The short-wavelength blue light that harms eyes would be effectively reduced, which achieves the purpose of green energy and energy conservation.
In addition, the anti-reflective layer can be coated on the surface of the LuAG phosphors provided from the Pro-Magic company through surface modification. Apart from achieving the effect of surface protection, the energy loss on the surface can also be reduced. The results of the measurement showed that the LuAG phosphors enhanced the fluorescence intensity after surface modification. Thereafter, LuAG phosphors were applied to the fluorescent glue and compared with that made of pure LuAG phosphors. The luminous efficiency of the LuAG phosphors showed better performance after the surface modification.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070458224