Title: 在軟體定義網路中多控制器容錯機制之設計與實作
Fault Tolerant Controller in Software-Defined Networking
Authors: 詹政憲
Jhan, Jheng-Sian
Tsai, Shi-Chun
Keywords: 軟體定義網路;容錯;Software Defined Network (SDN);fault tolerant
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 軟體定義網路(Software Defined Network)是一種新的網路架構,將網路設備的控制層與資料層分開,將擁有決策能力的控制層以軟體化的方式集中管理,稱為控制器。這種網路架構使得網路的管理能夠更加靈活。

Software Defined Network is a new network paradigm, which separates control plane and data plane from network devices. Control planes are centralized in an entity, called controller. This architecture makes the network management more flexible. In order to prevent single point of failure of controller, SDN uses multiple controllers as a cluster. It is a common way that one controller is elected as the master and the other controllers are master's backup, called slave. While slave is taking over master's job, the connection between control plane and data plane might be reset, causing the network malfunction.

Based on the multiple controller architecture in SDN, we propose a new multiple controller architecture. Our method is different from the master-slave based architecture, we use a shared-memory based architecture to tackle the controller failover issue, where every active controller can handle part of the connections from data plane.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456101
Appears in Collections:Thesis