標題: 情境雙元性的前因及其對組織創新績效與個人創新行為之影響
Antecedents of Contextual Ambidexterity and Its Impact on Organizational Innovation performance and Individual Innovative Behavior
作者: 廖略珈
關鍵字: 情境雙元性;企業家精神;組織創新績效;個人創新行為;跨層次分析;contextual ambidexterity;entrepreneurship;organizational innovation;individual innovative behavior;cross-level analysis
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在科技日新月異、產業結構快速變遷的時代,企業的創新能力已成為其不可或缺的競爭優勢。組織雙元性有助於提升組織績效與創新績效,且可透過結構、情境、領導的雙元性質來達成組織雙元性,但對於如何建立情境雙元目前仍所知甚少。因此本研究主要探討情境雙元性形成前因,並利用跨層次分析(HLM)驗證情境雙元性對於組織創新績效與個人創新行為是否皆有正面影響。 本研究以2017年天下雜誌發布的2000大企業為母體,最終共得到了50家有效樣本,並進行相關統計檢定。研究結果發現:(1)轉換型領導風格與企業家導向人力資源管理皆有助於建立情境雙元性;(2)情境雙元性對於組織創新績效與個人創新行為皆有正面影響。長期而言,若組織內部的情境雙元性程度越高,越可促使員工以自主創新的方式解決問題,並充分展現探索與應用活動兼具的雙元行為,進而提升組織整體的創新績效表現,保有其持續性競爭力。
With the progress of the times, science and technology change rapidly, the innovation capacity becomes necessary competitive advantage for every enterprise. Recently studies have shown that organizational ambidexterity is good for increasing organizational performance and innovation performance. Then organizational ambidexterity can pass through the structure, context or leadership to complete. However, we are still less well known on how to establish the contextual ambidexterity. Therefore, this research is focus on discussing the antecedents of contextual ambidexterity. Through cross-level analysis, we try to verify whether the contextual ambidexterity has a strong impact on the organizational innovation performance and individual innovative behavior. In this research, the sample population based on the Taiwan Top 2000 enterprises that released by CommonWealth Magazine in 2017. Finally, we obtained an effective sample of 50 enterprises, and conducted related statistical analysis. The results of this study show that: (1) Both transformational leadership and entrepreneurial orientation human resource management are facilitate to establish contextual ambidexterity; (2) contextual ambidexterity has positively influential effect on organizational innovation performance and individual innovative behavior. In the longer term, the higher contextual ambidexterity within the organization, employees are more encouraged to solve their problems in an innovative way. Employees will also fully demonstrate both exploration and exploitation, enhancing the overall performance of organization and innovation, and also keep the sustainable competitiveness in enterprise.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453756