Title: | 系統化調整CNC工具機之LuGre摩擦力補償模型參數 Systematic Tuning Parameters of the LuGre Model forFriction Compensation on CNC Machine |
Authors: | 劉佳怡 徐保羅 Liu , Chia-Yi Hsu, Pau-Lo 電控工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 運動控制;LuGre;啄鑚;循圓;摩擦力模型;CNC;motion control;dynamic friction effect;LuGre model;running parameters |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 近幾年來,隨著工業的發展,加工品質與速度是精密機械加工所追求的目標,為了實現高速精密之微動控制設計,伺服馬達控制設計、整合機台摩擦力以及擾動之克服為現今主要問題。啄鑽及循圓動作皆為高頻、高速往復的微動控制,因其命令甚小,受摩擦力影響相對變大,影響加工精度。傳統穩態摩擦力補償乃藉由定速時量測得摩擦力大小值,建立穩態摩擦力模型,再依不同命令進行補償,然而,為了符合實際應用,考量動態摩擦力模型亦為重要的課題。因此本論文分為三個部份,在第一個部份中,分別建立穩態及動態摩擦力模型,並以NFC及LuGre補償方式來克服摩擦力現象;第二部份中,建立一套系統化之LuGre參數決定方法,由判斷速度補償命令之時間區間,並搭配微調方式獲得最小之CNC工具機循圓反向尖點,得到最佳之LuGre模型參數;在第三部份中,將摩擦力模型進一步應用於CNC機台上進行XZ雙軸循圓動作實驗,實現LuGre摩擦力補償器於東台精機之CNC車床控制器,以驗證工具機運動精密度之改善。 Consider the contouring error mainly caused by friction, compensation techniques are required to eliminate both static and dynamic friction effects. To construct the LuGre friction model for CNC machine tools, three parts are developed to obtain the three parameters for the model. First of all, the steady-state friction model, the nonlinear friction compensator (NFC), and the LuGre dynamic friction model are developed to compensate for the static friction effect and the dynamic friction effect, respectively. In the second part, a systematic method to determine three parameters for the LuGre model is provided by observing the control time window and the maximum pick value of the contouring error with a circular commend. The results suggested that the proposed LuGre compensator is feasible in reducing the contouring error on CNC Machine tools. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070360019 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/143021 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |