标题: 建立肝癌中微小核醣核酸与基因间的调控网路
Reconstruction of MicroRNA-mediated Gene Regulatory Networks in Liver Cancer
作者: 周致宏
Chou, Chih-Hung
Huang, Hsien-Da
关键字: 微小核醣核酸;肝癌;微小核醣核-标靶基因交互作用;microRNA;Liver Cancer;miRNA-target interaction
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 肝癌在台湾为第二常见的癌症。近年研究已发现微小核醣核酸(miRNA)与多癌症和疾病有关,包含各种癌症、糖尿病和心血管疾病,而且可能可以当作生物标记和标靶治疗。miRNA是长度约为22nts的非编码小RNA分子,其功能为在转录后修饰时藉由抑制基因表现而导致许多疾病和癌症。我们首先开发一个计算工具miTRaCLIP可全面的分析CLIP-seq和PAR-CLIP数据,来解析miRNA所有可能的标靶基因。与现有的工具相比,我们的工具更专注于miRNA的注解与可视化。第二,我们更新了实验证实的miRNA-标靶基因相互作用(MTIs)的资料库 - miRTarBase。除了不断从文献中将实验证实的资料整理到资料库外,此外,使用先前发展的miTRaCLIP,我们系统地分析由21个独立研究,共138个CLIP-seq资料集的数据。miRTarBase包含4,966篇文献,7,439笔具有较强的实验证据MTIs(使用报导基因或西方墨点法验证)和CLIP-seq 实验证据MTIs共348,007笔。我们也整合癌症基因组图谱(TCGA)之miRNA和基因表现资料,以提供对于miRNA的临床实验数据更有效概览。这些重大更新使miRTarBase成为一个最完整且全面的实验验证的miRNA标靶相互作用的资料库,期望对于miRNA的研究能有很大的帮助。为了便于研究miRNA在许多生物体中所扮演的角色,构建一个有系统分析框架是必要的。最后,我们重建肝癌的microRNA基因调控网络。使用实验验证的转录因子miRNA(TF-miRNA)的资料库TransmiR和使用先前构建与更新的miRTarBase 作为miRNA-标靶基因资料库。利用此分析流程成功利用TCGA肝癌资料建立了肝癌中的miRNA基因调控网络。此具有高度可信度的计算框架可应用于探索在任何复杂的生物系统的TF-miRNA::标靶基因相互作用。此外,miRTarBase资料库在对于近年microRNA相关研究具有举足轻重的角色。
Liver cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in Taiwan. Recent work supports miRNAs down-regulate gene expression during various crucial cell processes such as apoptosis, differentiation and development. Research in various disease processes such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease has found that miRNAs play a role in disease pathogenesis and have potential as biomarkers and therapeutic agents. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are about 22nts small non-coding RNA molecules that negatively regulate the gene expression at the post-transcriptional level cause many disease and cancer. We herein develop the computational tools, miTRaCLIP, to comprehensively identify CLIP-seq and PARCLIP data specifically for decoding miRNA targetome. Comparing with the existing CLIP-seq tools, our results show more visualizing and more functional annotation for miRNA studies. Second, we construct an experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions databases – miRTarBase. We continually manually curated literature. Additionally, using previous develop miRTarCLIP, we systematically identify Argonuate-miRNA-RNA interactions from 138 crosslinking and immunoprecipitation sequencing (CLIP-seq) data sets that were generated by 21 independent studies. The database contains 4,966 articles, 7,439 strongly validated MTIs (using reporter assays or western blots) and 348,007 MTIs from CLIP-seq. The miRNA and gene expression profiles from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) are integrated to provide an effective overview of this exponential growth in the miRNA experimental data. These improvements make the miRTarBase to be a comprehensively annotated, experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions databases, and motivate additional miRNA research efforts. To facilitate the miRNA study in many physiological processes, it is necessary construct a systematic framework. Finally, we reconstruction of microRNA-mediated gene regulatory networks in liver cancer. The computational framework using publicly available transcription factor-miRNA (TF-miRNA) database, TransmiR, along with miRNA-target databases, using previous construct miRTarBase. We applied the computational framework to elucidate the miRNA-mediated regulatory network in hepatocellular carcinoma. This computational framework can be applied to explore the significant TF-miRNA and miRNA-target gene interactions in any complex biological systems with high degrees of confidence.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070087204